June, 2008, will mark the 30 year reunion for my graduating class. The last week has been a really neat one, as we try and connect with the 'kids' that we celebrated the day with so long ago, and arrange a day to reconnect and relive the things that were.
It seems incredible that that much time could have slipped through our fingers, amazing really! But journeying through the past, with our old high school yearbook as our guide, I realize how very, very much has changed....looks, lives, dreams, goals. Sometimes the people in the pictures seem a world away, not just years.
But also, I realize how very, very much has remained the same....friends, confidants, values, dreams...the ones that put a smile on your face and in your heart thirty years ago, still seem to have the ability and the gift of being able to do that today. The ones you haven't had the chance to talk to, in many cases for years, can pick up a conversation with you like we spoke yesterday...Connections formed in our school years, really can be remarkable things...something to treasure.
We've been busy trying to find folks that we haven't had the chance to talk to, in some cases years, so it's a rather daunting task at times. Still, it's remarkable that when the word gets out there, that it does travel fast, so for everyone that's working on this...good job! Every name helps.
I had a few people wonder if there was a website, and no, we're not that high tech or with the times I'm afraid, but I figured if folks were trying to search for information via the web, that this might help them to get started....
Our reunion date will be July 26th, 2008, and we will be getting together here at the farm for a day. We're welcoming not only those that graduated with us, but those that shared our journey, even if they chose a different path midway through, or completed it before us. It should be a fun day!
I've started the required "holy smokes a reunion's coming" diet, and have effectively gained about 3 pounds this week!! I'm pretty sure I'm not alone! Whatever, we are who we are, and we are so lucky to still be in this race!
That's all for today....but will keep posts and updates here, and hopefully our list of MIAs will continue to shrink as the weeks move on.
Don't forget this months free download is www.musicwriter.ca/tunes/04.htm (Heroes)
Till next time,