This morning at about 5:30, for some reason, my eyes peaked open, and I saw my bedroom was filled with the most amazing, golden glow. I looked out the window to the east, and saw this sunrise. The camera was only able to capture half of it's magnificence, but how magnificent it was! Nature has such a way of taking your breath away sometimes!
There's been a lot go on since my last post. We managed to get through the MCI Class of '78 reunion last weekend....and surprisingly...we haven't changed a bit! Well, maybe one of two of us just slightly....but it was still a great afternoon. I believe that there were originally 56 in our graduating class....3 people are no longer with us, but we still managed to gather well over 30 (with their partners and families) for the afternoon, so with that we'll call it a success. The weather was great, the night was mosquito free, and the afternoon was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect, remember and relive. I enjoyed it...but for as wonderful as it was....I'm still glad this weekend is event free!
I've been feeling so proud of the fact that I haven't missed a day of walking since our return home from BC on June 17th. I heard a report on the news yesterday about a pill that is in the works that is going to replace exercise in providing benefits to the human body. One trainer they spoke to said, no way ...never, because it can't ever replace the feeling of accomplishment that exercise gives us, when we are able to keep that promise to ourselves. I realized that that was so much a part of what makes me feel good about doing this. With all the struggles we've had this summer (2 weeks in the hospital with Shane, the reunion planning, work things...), I've been true to my promise to me for a change, and that's likely why I feel so good, and get up every morning before 7 to do it again. That is until yesterday, when on my walk home, a young man visiting neighbors stopped me along my way to tell me he'd seen a black bear at our corner two days before! Sheesh!!!! That's all I needed to hear, especially when last nights news covered the story of the lady in California who was attacked when out walking her dogs in July. My promise to me seems a little less important , but at least hearing this helped me start to make sense of some of the sounds and tracks I've been experiencing along my walk....come this morning, I was much more tentative heading on my way, but I dragged Lady the Wonderdog with me, in hopes that she'll keep me safe should anything happen. We'll see how it goes....
Been busy doing some writing and recording of late. Trying to get the final touches done for a new collection of 12 songs I'm recording. Tough time of year to find the time, but always feels so good when I do. I'm pleased with the collection so far!
Also starting to get excited about this years Country Music Week in Winnipeg. I enjoy what the CCMA's have to offer every year. It's another opportunity to grow a little in something I love.
Also excitedly waiting to hear who's going to be participating in the Home Routes House Concert series this year...that's right around the bend again as well!
The rest is much of the same ole same ole. Farming, working, trying to enjoy the short summer we're afforded, and knowing that it'll only be a blink of the eye and be gone. It speeds by so fast.
Hoping to get back here soon!