Well, finally, finally, finally!!
My second CD is finished, and is in my hands. “Just One Life” is now available for anyone interested in purchasing a copy. The CD includes the songs “Won’t Say Goodbye”, “When you Look at Me (Shane’s Song)”, “When she Dreams”, “Middle Aged Woman” and 10 other original songs written since the release of my last CD “Reflections” in 2006.
I’ve decided that with the events of the last several months still weighing so heavily on my heart, that at this time, I won’t be having a large CD Release Party to introduce my latest collection to the greater public. Rather we will be setting up several small house concerts as the days move along, where smaller, more intimate groups of friends can gather and be introduced to the new songs a little at a time. It just feels much more manageable to me, and that's the feeling I go with these days. If you’re interested in hosting a House Concert, or in attending one, drop me a line and we’ll see what can be put together.
It will be no surprise to anyone to know that this CD is dedicated to the memory of my son Shane, and with that I’ve also decided that 25% of all CD and performance sales will be going towards continuing the memorial fund that has been established in his name, to celebrate and promote inclusion for all of us, and to remind us of the difference that ‘Just One Life’ can truly make.
“Just One Life’ retails for $20 CDN and payment can be made by cash, cheque, MasterCard or Visa, just drop me a line or give me a phone call, and we’ll arrange delivery of your copy.
As always, thanks for all the ongoing support! And thanks for your part in making my one life so remarkable, in spite of the ups and downs of it!
It's exciting to have something to focus on at this time, and nice that it's something that will help me to continue honoring a beautiful young man. I know in recent months this blog has been more about my walk through grief than about my musical accomplishments, but that's okay. That's what's been needed. There have been some really, really decent days, and there have been some very, very bad days. But, what I'm learning more and more, is that I don't have to go through any of it alone, and for that I'll be forever grateful.
Lots has happened since my last post in July. Some really big decisions have been made to make some changes in life for the upcoming months that will hopefully facilitate the healing process and allow time to be, to breathe and to focus on the things that I need right now...namely my spirit and my music. I've graciously been granted a leave from work, and have everything in place to ensure that home is safe and protected, and with that my husband and I are venturing out to Salt Spring Island for a few months, where my hope is that the place that has always soothed me, will do so once again, and give me what I need to start moving forward. It's been a long time coming, and we'll see how it all goes, and with everything else, time will tell. But taking time is what is needed.
I've survived another number of firsts since my last writing....my first funeral I was honored and able to sing at, my first time holding a beautiful little baby boy without losing it at the memory of my lost one, and my first birthday with out him being among some of the big ones. Shane was always very good at my early morning birthday hoot...and with help, always managed to get me the most beautiful birthday card. He'd always be waiting in his bed, grasping it tightly in one of those fists of his, and smiling from ear to ear. This birthday was celebrated out on Salt Spring as we shopped for cheap furniture deals to get our 'hippie pad' set up a bit for the upcoming months, and in honesty, I don't know that Shane wasn't there celebrating with me....
on the afternoon of my birthday, we decided to drive up to Mount Maxwell so that my Mom, who was travelling with us, could see the view from the top. When she'd last been to SSI with us, in 2004 when we got married, she stayed with Shane at the rental while we toured the other family members up to see the beauty of the place. As we wandered around, looking at the various views of the island from so far above, I noticed one, lone butterfly that kept fluttering by me, then away, only to return moments later. It got to the point where I really did have to pay attention to it, because it seemed no matter what I was looking at over the mountains edge, he would sweep into my field of vision again. After a short while, we started heading back to the car, and once again the butterfly flitted by, only to land a few short feet away from me and perched on a blade of grass. I decided that he warranted having his picture taken, and so I snuck up behind him, certain he'd take off again in seconds...but he didn't, he just sat swaying on the blade of grass until I was so close, I could have touched him. As I lined up to take the picture, I realized he had part of one wing missing, but he still managed to fly effortlessly around me, until I took notice. As the months move along, and I keep looking for meaning and purpose in what has happened over the past year, I keep coming upon so many writings that reflect the spiritual nature of the butterfly, of how they're viewed by so many as a symbol of rebirth and transformation...and I'm still looking for answers to so many questions, but at that moment on that day, I think Shane was seeing the view from the top of Mount Maxwell with me. It made the day just better, that's all.
I'm gathering a collection of earthbound angels these days as well, people who come into my life from all sorts of different places, that I'm making connections with. There's my everyday circle, who've never let me sink. There are people that I'd lost track of years ago, who've resurfaced and provided their support as I walk through this unknown territory. There are new people who I've never met who support me through my dark days, and celebrate the good ones with me through their notes and posts on the Internet. People that remind me I'm never alone. People that I'm so grateful for, who remind me through their own journey and story, that as much as I miss my son, we did have a hard life together. Somehow through grief, you forget the bad times, the surgeries, the scary days in the hospital, the close calls, the horrible things that the disease and time did to a beautiful little body. Even though I'm heartsick for what another child has to go through as he follows his own path, I'm grateful that I'm having a chance to be reminded it wasn't all roses for Shane either, that he struggled with a lot of pain and a lot of frustration that we could never truly understand. As much as I miss him, and as much as I always will, from time to time I feel myself wondering if maybe he wasn't just ready for that to all end, and maybe he is that free flying butterfly now...or in another form, free from pain and spasms and devices....and some days that thought makes the sadness and the pain a little easier to bare.
Anyhow, that's where things are at these days. I'm finally back into the routine of my daily walk, and that helps me get rid of the cobwebs that the bad hours leave in my head, and remind me that it's still a beautiful world...with every morning offering new things to see, and sounds to hear in the nature that surrounds me. And I think in finalizing the decisions necessary to finish this album up, I have been reminded that I too have 'just one life', and I don't for a minute think Shane would want me wallowing it away, so each day I work hard at trying to feel just a little bit better than my heart is wanting to, and I think just maybe it's starting to work....
till next time,