Friday, January 19, 2007

You never know where your 'kids' are gonna come from

You just never know where your kids are gonna come from....that's another one of my life lesson's. Six years ago I lost my first husband to cancer, after a valiant, but hopeless two year battle. At that time, after the battle was lost, there was just Shane and me. Oh, of course there were lots of extended family members...the moms, dads, sister, brother, cousins, know. There were the wonderful friends that have blessed my life for over three decades all just a phone call away. But at the end of the day, when the lights were turned out, it was Shane and me. Things were pretty quiet.
Then along came Cec. But Cec has never travelled alone...oh no! And amidst the luggage that he toted along, were my future children. Granted, for the most part they were grown by the time he and I had connected, but not completely. So in a world where there once existed just Shane and I, we've had to make room in our hearts for seven more children....and along with those seven children, there comes the next generation of ten mind boggles at how smoothly it all has happened. So now we've become a spin off for "Eight is enough". We aren't joking when we say that!
But like I said at the never know where your kids are gonna come from. I spent a wonderful day today with one of my 'kids'. Bianca came to me as part of the package 5 years ago, but little did I know at that time, that in that beautifully wrapped little 14 year old parcel that was part of the "baggage" (society's terminology, not mine) I'd find the daughter that my heart has longed for my entire adult life. Please, don't misunderstand....I love the other daughters and sons that this union has brought into my life more than I can say, but timing and logistics have allowed Bianca and I have the opportunity to connect hearts just a little bit differently.
Today was one more affirmation that on our days together we just are. We do our thing (which usually includes the word spa) and we are.....and it's really wonderful.
I know there are folks that are waiting so impatiently for that perfect little bundle of joy to come into their lives and make it complete....waiting for the ideal 'child' to come along. I can only imagine the pain they must go through. I hope those people waiting for children aren't limiting themselves by what society views as the norm, because that ideal child might already be out there, just not in the package envisioned. My'child' didnt' come into my life until she was 3/4 grown....when she did arrive, we certainly didn't have our eye, skin, and hair color match....but honestly, if I had sat down with God himself and drawn a blueprint of my perfect daughter, I can't see that one thing would be different from the one I've been gifted to have inherited through fate.
Pud, thanks for a wonderful day!
I know my journal is supposed to focus on all that is wonderful about (although I'm gonna have to harrass that wonderful webmaster of mine to figure out how I have to do the darn link properly).....but, the special people in my life are what is all about....and today I wanted to share my thoughts on this particular special person with you all.

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