On your average chilly, winter Manitoba morning, the alarms goes off, I roll out of bed, get Shane's breakfast started and head to the kitchen to make coffee. Looking out our large living room window, this is my typical view of the beautiful winter sunrises we are blessed with here in our valley.
Last Monday morning was not a typical one by any stretch. Knowing that the temperatures had plummeted to below -40c, I turned on the radio to see if school would be cancelled. That's when I heard the report of the 2 Winnipeg Fire Department captains who had been killed fighting a fire Sunday night. Like thousands of others across the province, my heart froze, waiting for more details that were slow to unfold. Like thousands of other listening, I waited with a knot in my stomach, hoping it wasn't one of the the three men I know who serve the city on that department. This time our family was fortunate, and for that we are grateful. This time those we know and love made it safely through, at least physically. This time.
I think all too often we forget the valiance of the men and women who choose to pursue a line of work which puts them in harms way through their dedication to ensure our safety. Jobs and careers where at any given time one wrong move, or one unknown component can end it all. Sadly, it takes a tragedy like the one that happened in the city last weekend to remind us all of those people and what they risk for us. Sadly, as with many things, our chance to show appreciation comes too late.
Tomorrow morning, looking out that living room window at the next beautiful sunrise, the world is going to look relatively unchanged. But for the families of those men, it is never going to be the same. For those that worked beside them and knew them as comrades and friends, the view will be forever altered. Our hearts are with all of those folks right now, and though there are not words that can change what happened or take away the pain of that, there is the opportunity to show our appreciations and to say thankyou. For all that you do, for all that you risk, and for all that you are.
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