Sunday, May 6, 2007

Femme Fix!

"It's a femme fix, it's a night on the town,
A chance to kick my heels up, a chance to let my hair down,
A chance to hang with my lady friends, the ones that let me be....
Who I was before the mrs. and the mamma, who I was when I was simply me!" (LDT)

And what a hoot of a night it was! Friday night I performed at the ACL Brandon Femme Fix. So much fun and such a great reminder of the great circle that I'm a part of! I had the opportunity to spend the evening with over 150 other ladies from the Westman area, among them some of my oldest dearest friends, my daughters and some wonderful new friends I've been blessed by lately!

This was the 7th year that ACL Brandon has put this event on as a fundraiser. I had the opportunity to introduce some of my material to a new audience, but I also had the chance to have some fun with Lisa Koch's "Middle Aged Woman". It was so much fun to perform and so well received...what a blast! There's definitely going to be a Lynda Dobbin-Turner Table there again next year whether I'm performing or not!

Nice quiet rainy day today. We've been looking forward to this first spring rain. As you stare out the window, you can almost see the colors turning ever greener before your eyes, and realize that you made it through another one! Whew!! Actually, except for the occasional really, really cold day, I can't really complain about the winters we've had the past couple of years, even though I do. They have a beauty all their own, and with each season we're able to appreciate that I think.

Things have slowed down a little...purposefully. I'm glad for that. I'm glad for the opportunity to sit by the fire and not feel guilty that I'm not doing more of something every single minute. It's hard to give yourself permission to do that, but I think your body just finally says to you, one way or another, just sit and be still for a while now! I'm finally ready to listen again, and to put it all in perspective. I feel better all ready.

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. There's some neat stuff going that I'm a part of. I'll make time to fill in the blanks as the days go by, no more posting once a month!! There's too much to say and share!

For now, I have a young man waiting for his Mom to come and hang with him for a while. Today is the perfect day to do that.

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