Sunday, December 16, 2007
From my house to yours...
Welcome to my living room...can you see why this is one of my favorite places in the whole, wide world. Settling down in front of the crackling fire wipes away so many of the worries of the day, and I can't help but be filled with a sense of peace.
I love this fireplace, because to me it means that I'm home. I had it constructed the year after my first husband passed away. We always had fireplaces when I was a kid, because very few houses on the west coast were without them at that time...I guess it offset the damp. Some of my earliest singing memories center around singing "DownTown" in front of a fireplace in Victoria. I'd always said that someday I would have a fireplace again, and when I realized that this is the only place that I ever want to call home, I decided that this is where my fireplace must be. The rest as they say is history. So here I am...home.
It's been a great week. Not great, because of all the big, earth shattering things that happened, but great because of all the little ones. A day spent with my husband, a visit to my mother-in-law, a day with my Mom, a phone call with Dad, a snow day with Shane and each day ended, I just felt good! Good, that I'd had the day to share with the ones that matter , good that for all the chaos and busyness that often surrounds us, we still have days just to share. Good.
I've got another few days of work, then I'll be taking a week off with no school, and no is going to be heavenly. The fall has been pretty hectic, but it's been worth it. Still, I'm really looking forward to a little down time over the holidays.
I got an early Christmas present yesterday that I'm so excited about. Ever since I finished painting in September, I've been looking for just the right picture for my kitchen, and have had no luck finding it. I love Rhonda Kullberg's has such passion and uniqueness, and usually holds a message that makes you think. Yesterday, I was looking for last minute gifts in Treherne, and after looking down at the shelves for half an hour, for some reason I looked up...and there it was...the picture that I've been waiting to find for the past 6 months for my kitchen. I didn't know what I was looking for until I saw it...but all of a sudden it was there. Funny how the things you're dreaming of often materialize. I don't think that the painting itself has a's a collage like collection of works, quotes, and pictures...but it's perfect. The one quote that sticks out to me most today is "The best things in life aren't things.".....I certainly have to agree!
My Christmas song "Upon this Christmas Star" is still available as a free download for anyone who's wishing to do so, and will be for the next week or so. To download it go to
Till next time
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's a snow day!!!!!!
I took this picture out the living room window this morning....the trees actually hide them, but those are sun dogs!!! Looks like some cold days ahead of us!
I'm really excited today, because for the first time in 30 years I get to have a snow-day from school!!! I truly forgot how cool this was, and have enjoyed it immensely, even though I did manage to buckle down to do my required homework.....still it was pretty nice not to have to make the trip to the city for college today.
The wind was something else in the night last night. We're normally so protected from the reality of what's happening with the weather here in our valley, but last night, man...old man winter was screaming! I can't ever remember hearing the TV tower hitting the end of the house like that. It was a rare event, and one I don't care to try and sleep through too often. Things seem to have settled for now, and hopefully it'll be okay by morning, as tomorrow is my final class and tests for this first semester. I really want to be able to get it over with, then just take the next couple of weeks off to relax before it all starts again.
The snow day also gave me some time to practice today. Sadly, it's not for a Christmas concert, but for a funeral for the father of a friend of mine. Is it just me, or do there seem to be more of these this time of year? Maybe it's just that they hit a little harder at a time when the world expects us to be joyous. Regardless, funerals are tough at any time of year, but they are tougher in December. My thoughts are with you Mel.
On Sunday, I watched Oprah's movie production of "One More Day". I read Mitch Albom's book when it first came out, and as with all of his books, just loved the story and the message. I urged my Mom to watch it when it was on too, and it really hit home for both of us. So yesterday, I took the day, and helped Mom through her list of errands that pile on her for her one respite day a week. I try to do that as often as I can, but so many weeks go by where it's just not possible. However this week, I was really glad I made the time to do it, and it gave us 'One more Day' together to treasure. It seems as all of our parents are aging and changing, we really do need to cherish each day we get to have with them. Too soon the chances will be lost, and I'm hoping for very few regrets.
On that note....I'd better go and practice. Don't forget to get your free download of 'Upon that Christmas Star" by going to Pass the message along to friends who are building their own Christmas music libraries of free Christmas downloads.
Till next time
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Upon this Christmas Star...
Okay, Okay...I know this is a Christmas moon...but honestly, whenever I look at this picture, taken out my living room window last just gives me the same sense of peace and serenity that I feel sitting by my fireplace on Christmas eve. 'Tis the season upon us again.
In the spirit of giving, I've decided to give the gift of my music to anyone who would like to download the featured song. Christmas really is about the giving of gifts, but our gifts don't have to be the material kind. I feel honored to have been given the gift of music, and believe the reason for that is so it can be shared with anyone who chooses to take the time to listen. This month, as it is the Christmas Season, the song I've decided to give away is called "Upon this Christmas Star". For your free download go to
I'd like to tell you all the story behind this song.
For may years our farm ran a rather large cattle feedlot operation. While doing that, every year I would donate upwards of 3,000 pounds of ground beef to Winnipeg Harvest, and in thanks, David Northcott of Winnipeg Harvest, would invite my family and I to the Huron Carole, that Tom Jackson always put on. I was always in my glory, as I had been a huge fan of Tom's for years, and each year our invitation included the opportunity to meet with him and that years cast after the performance. They were wonderful events!!
About the third year of doing this, I was talking to David and asked who was performing that year, and he joked that they didn't know...he might have to call on me. He was joking, as he knew me only as a cattle producer, but his saying that made me think about both the music and the people that Winnipeg Harvest, and other organizations across the country like that support.
It was from that that I sat down and wrote 'Upon this Christmas Star' because, too often I think we forget about those less fortunate than ourselves at this busy, festive time of year.
My intent for this song has always been that any money from downloads or writer's royalties will go directly to Canada's Food Banks. Unfortunately, as each Christmas roles around, I too have been caught up in the hustle of life, and have yet to make the concerted effort necessary to have it properly promoted. But that day will come, and in the mean time, my hope is that anyone who enjoys it will help it find a new audience, paying it forward to a time when it will hopefully benefit those for whom it was written.
Till next time
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Time Flies....
Wow....December 8th already! How do the days fly past so quickly. We're on the countdown to yet another Christmas, and we're back into the Manitoba deep freeze. Seems we were just here weeks ago!
It's been a really busy fall. Travelling into Winnipeg to attend college two days a week takes a serious bite out of available time, but I'm so glad I'm doing it. I've met just an awesome bunch of fellow students, and amazing instructors who are all as passionate about the work we do as we are. It's been a great experience...however that said, I'm still more than ready for Christmas Break.
We had the third house concert in our Home Routes House Concert series in November, when we hosted Andy Cohen, from Memphis, Tennessee. What a cool, diverse fellow he turned out to be. Another great night of music enjoyed by all.
I've been keeping pretty busy musically as well. Playing at a number of Christmas events, the Cypress River Volunteer Appreciation night (hi Auntie Ellie!), the AGM for CMHA in Brandon, etc, etc, etc....
I also enjoyed a great weekend at Elkhorn Resort for the Ladies only BREATHE was wonderful! Such a great group of ladies attended, and we had terrific presenters, and I got to play there to close the event as well.
I've also been really busy trying to organize time to work on new material, and I'm looking at doing some recording in the new year, as there are some really good opportunities for a couple of my new songs to be promoted through some of the people I've connected with the past few months, so I don't want to let the gift pass me by!
I've also been part of a project to pay tribute to Amanda Frizzley, who was killed when her tow truck was hit in Winnipeg in September. Amanda was my cousin's daughter, and an original song that I'd sang for her funeral is being recorded. Hopefully the project will help to keep Amanda's memory alive and lead to something good, through such a difficult time for all who knew her.
The WCMA's in Moose Jaw were a hoot. Met a lot of new people, and reconnected with some we'd met before. I would have to say the highlight for me was meeting Buffy Ste. Marie. What an amazing lady! MARIA brought her into speak last night in Winnipeg, and I'd really wanted to take Bianca in with me to hear her, but the week ended up being just a day too long, and by last night, all I really wanted to do was to head for home, put on my housecoat, and chill by the that was an awesome night!!!
That's all for now!! Hi Uncle Joe and Auntie Paulette...hope you're enjoying the sunshine where you are!!
Later all,
Later all,
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