Welcome to my living room...can you see why this is one of my favorite places in the whole, wide world. Settling down in front of the crackling fire wipes away so many of the worries of the day, and I can't help but be filled with a sense of peace.
I love this fireplace, because to me it means that I'm home. I had it constructed the year after my first husband passed away. We always had fireplaces when I was a kid, because very few houses on the west coast were without them at that time...I guess it offset the damp. Some of my earliest singing memories center around singing "DownTown" in front of a fireplace in Victoria. I'd always said that someday I would have a fireplace again, and when I realized that this is the only place that I ever want to call home, I decided that this is where my fireplace must be. The rest as they say is history. So here I am...home.
It's been a great week. Not great, because of all the big, earth shattering things that happened, but great because of all the little ones. A day spent with my husband, a visit to my mother-in-law, a day with my Mom, a phone call with Dad, a snow day with Shane and Bianca....as each day ended, I just felt good! Good, that I'd had the day to share with the ones that matter , good that for all the chaos and busyness that often surrounds us, we still have days just to share. Good.
I've got another few days of work, then I'll be taking a week off with no school, and no commitments...it is going to be heavenly. The fall has been pretty hectic, but it's been worth it. Still, I'm really looking forward to a little down time over the holidays.
I got an early Christmas present yesterday that I'm so excited about. Ever since I finished painting in September, I've been looking for just the right picture for my kitchen, and have had no luck finding it. I love Rhonda Kullberg's work...it has such passion and uniqueness, and usually holds a message that makes you think. Yesterday, I was looking for last minute gifts in Treherne, and after looking down at the shelves for half an hour, for some reason I looked up...and there it was...the picture that I've been waiting to find for the past 6 months for my kitchen. I didn't know what I was looking for until I saw it...but all of a sudden it was there. Funny how the things you're dreaming of often materialize. I don't think that the painting itself has a title...it's a collage like collection of works, quotes, and pictures...but it's perfect. The one quote that sticks out to me most today is "The best things in life aren't things.".....I certainly have to agree!
My Christmas song "Upon this Christmas Star" is still available as a free download for anyone who's wishing to do so, and will be for the next week or so. To download it go to
Till next time
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