It's hunting season around here again....I hate this time of year...none of it has ever sat well with me, even as a child. But, because of the abundance of wildlife around here, it's a big part of the reason many people have chosen to live or cottage in the area. For the most part, I believe everyone is pretty responsible about it, but last week, at the beginning of the season, we found some folks just aren't. A calf about to come home from pasture was mistaken for a deer and shot in our west pasture. I don't understand that if someone isn't close enough to know the difference, why would you shoot into the bush (not to mention...it was on private property, with no permission given). Anyhow, it did nothing to improve my feelings about the sport, to say the least.
We brought the calf home to autopsy, and before we could dispose of the remains that were behind the bale yard, a group of Bald Eagles found them. It was breathtaking to look out and see at least eight of those amazing creatures gathered for a feast. There were at least 3 fully mature ones, with the other's either immature based on their plumage. We often see one or two at a time, but never a collection like that. It's no wonder that so many cultures find the bird such a source of beauty and inspiration....they are awe inspiring in their majesty. Even amid the frustration of needless loss, we are blessed to be living in a place that gives us such beauty in exchange.
Last night we headed into Portage for the Prairie Player's production of Play On at the Glesby centre. It was the first dinner theatre I've been to in years, and it was a really great night....something out of the ordinary, and wonderful fun. I was amazed at how many old friends I got the chance to connect with at the production as well. It was just what was needed after resurfacing from the recent sadness.
A quiet weekend around here. It's a nice change from some of the hectic circles of the past year. Time to do a little thinking about Christmas if the spirit will allow me to. I've been trying little baby steps, but it's really hard to get into the swing of the season yet...I'm not even sure if it'll happen at all this year, but we've got to keep trying.
I've been very proud of the fact that I've been able to maintain my walking...I'm now past my fifth full month, and have only missed 8 days. It's not doing as much as I'd like for my weight, but it does wonders for my spirit, and that's worth a million bucks right now. Unfortunately, I think I'm killing my treadmill slowly but surly. It died badly enough last week that when Cec and I had two days in the city, we spent the whole time running around looking for a replacement, that I never did find! Then when I came home and tried it, it worked fine again...until today when about 2 minutes from my finishing time it crashed again! Darn that jars you when you've got your momentum going! :( Oh well, maybe it's just needing a little rest before getting back at it tomorrow! I can only hope!
well, that's about it for today.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Interesting post. I love perusing blogs from other parts of the world. I am from outside the NYC area, so the whole barn, farm, pasture, etc lifestyle is nearly alien to me with the exception of brief family trips to the "country." The opening section of your profile is great and sums up my feelings eloquently. I'm 45 and question everyday how that happened. Please feel free to drop in and say hello. In return, I will gladly add your site to my blog follow list.
Hi Morty,
So nice to hear from you! I guess we're in the same boat...as I look at life connected to a city as huge as NYC foreign to me as well! It's funny how people on the same planet can experience such different worlds isn't it! Thanks for your interest in my blog...I don't keep it up as often as I know I should for lack of time mostly, but it's still something I enjoy and strive to find more time for. I'll be checking out your blogs as well! Thanks for taking the time to drop me a line and keep in touch!
I'm really looking forward to learning more about life in your neck of the woods. Even though I am from the "Big City," I am a country music fan at heart. I'll be checking out your official site as well. In the meantime, for an in depth look at life in my world, check out the posting titled "Blogging: Big Fish in a Small Pond." I look forward to your input.
Hi Morty,
Thanks for the direction to your post about your world. Interesting stuff, and so different from what we experience here! I spent a little time reading your more recent posts as well, and it's so interesting to gain a glimpse. I'll be peeking in regularly, and we'll each have the chance to learn.
Have a good one.
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