Life can be so ironic sometimes, can't it? Last June I got back into my walking program, and things were going very well with it. When our summer ended, I dug out the treadmill so I could continue my walking through the winter, as conditions make it so hard to walk in these hills of mine in the winter months. My treadmill is now down in the garage/concert hall....and to help speed the 45 minutes along, I found that my walk time provides my reading time.
In February one of the books I read was "The Shack" by William P. Young, on the advise of several friends. "The Shack" follows the story of Mack, a man who tragically loses his young daughter and the transformation of him and his family in the aftermath. Here I am six weeks later, realizing the depth of the despair that Mack and Nan were dealing with in the book...I'm not going to go any further into it than that, but there was one particular section that stuck with me and hit a chord very deep in me. It's when Mack is in the cave, the walls become clear, and through them he can see Missy playing with her siblings. When asked if all the children are have died, his companion at that stage says no, they are dreaming....those we lose reach out to us in our dreams, to connect and spend time with us, and keep us close to them in their heaven. I loved that thought, as I've always been such a vivid dreamer, and have always been able to keep those I've lost with me in dreams....last night I finally got to dream with Shane, and the feeling of comfort from just dreaming about holding him in my arms, and watching him sleep, and being able to stroke his hair and tell him how much I loved him was so wonderful....it made waking up a little harder I think, but it's worth the hard to be in that place with him, if only for minutes. In the dream I ran into a friend who's worked closely with him at school and said "look whose with me! isn't this wonderful", and she was trying to tell me that "Lynda, he's gone, this is wrong...", but I was adamant that it was okay, he was with me and would be forever....and I know that's the way it is from here on...he is with me....
The bad weather is making the calving more difficult than it needs to be. We bumped our calving to April several years ago, to give the animals the chance to birth when the snow and cold were gone....not sure what happened with that plan, but it sure isn't working out again this year. The saving grace is that it has to be gone soon....but we're starting to wonder.
There's not too much else at the moment...trying to focus a little on work and get into a new groove. It's hard to do, but I think it's good to have a few hours a day where my mind gets distracted by something other than the quiet here. It's a strange time.....
I figured I would take a moment to check in and see how you are making out. Winter is doing its best to hang on here as well, though without the snow. What was that about global warming? It is comforting to see that you are functioning and moving forward. Having never been in your position, all I can offer are my thoughts and wishes. Hang in there!
And those thoughts and wishes honestly do help a lot right now...so thankyou for them.
I was just watching the CBS morning show, and I believe it's from New York by the looks of things...nobody looked too warm there for sure!!
We got up this morning it was -15 Celcius...which translates into about 5 degrees for you folks...it's crazy...and of course we had 4 calves born last night in the cold....sheesh.
Anyhow, I am plugging along in whatever ways I can right now...I can distract my mind for short periods of time to other things, and the episodes of grief seem to come in waves that wash over me, rather than the continual pressure that hurt so much for the first three weeks...I can't believe it's almost been a month...what a strange new world...anyhow, once again, thanks..
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