Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moving through the days....

No reason for the picture above, except I like it....not representative of anything right now(except maybe a yearning for the sense of peace that the water brings me)'s just a memory of time spent on Mayne Island in June, and the beauty that can be captured there. Truth is I love photography....sometimes I wish I'd followed more of my passions in my early years...I wonder what I'd be doing now? Oh well, the good news is that I'm fortunate enough to get to dabble with them at this stage of life...

Been an on/off week. Things seemed to be going okay, but then for no apparent reason, another melt down hits me, and I'm stalled in my tracks again. It's an endless wave, this grief. Days go by where you think that it's finally subsiding, then up she rises again. It's all very exhausting, and frustrating, as there's so much that I'd love to get done or accomplished in a day, and so often I just can't get things done. Hate that!

Was going through some pictures from our vacation in June and found the ones below, taken from the ferry on the ride over to Salt Spring. I'd forgotten all about it almost, and finally looked it up today. We were going across the ferry and looked up at the sun (for some silly reason...not likely the safest thing to do, but whatever!)...and there was a complete circle around it, extremely beautiful but eerily strange to look at. Apparently it's called a 22 degree explained below. Here I thought it was some psychic phenomena I was experiencing!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 22° halo is a rather frequently appearing halo, an optical phenomenon forming a circle 22° around the sun, or occasionally the moon. It forms as sunlight is refracted in hexagonal ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. As the light beam passes through two sides of the prism forming a 60° angle, the angle of minimum deviation is almost 22° (e.g. 21,84° in average; 21,54° for red and 22.37 for blue.) This wavelength-dependent variation in refraction causes the inner edge of the circle to be reddish while the outer edge is bluish.[1] A 22° Halo may be visible on as many as 100 days per year.[2]

Pathway of light through a hexagonal prism in the optimal angle resulting in minimum deviation.

Light passing through the hexagonal ice prisms is deflected twice which produces deviation angles ranging from 22° to 50°. Lesser deviation results in a brighter halo along the inner edge of the circle, while greater deviation contribute to the weaker outer part of the halo. As no light is refracted at smaller angles than 22° the sky is darker inside the halo. [3]

22° halos form when the sky contains millions of poorly oriented ice crystals. Some of these happen to be aligned perpendicular to the sun light as viewed by one observer which produces the illuminated 22° circle, while other crystals produces the same phenomenon for other observers. An Alexander's band can be seen inside the halo. [4]

Like other ice halos, 22° halos appear when the sky is covered by thin cirrus clouds containing the ice crystals which causes the phenomenon. Small colourful coronas much nearer the sun produced by water droplets can occasionally be confused with 22° halos. [5]

Okay, so I guess it's easily explained...but still pretty cool, gotta admit!

Busy here trying to wrap up finishing details so I can get the cd to production. Busy trying to pick out pictures, and make sure I have what I need done, but it's exciting to be back at this stage again. I'm worried about how I'm going to release this one...the year has left me battered, and I don't see myself the centre of a cd release party this round, but maybe by the time I have things ready, I'll be in a better place emotionally. I'm really happy with how this one is turning out, and the songs that are on it. Sometimes I listen to the master and worry that there's too many songs about loss and grief, especially after the last year and a half, when many of the songs were written. I've decided just to go with it as is, as there's some humor and general stories as well. As for the grief, I figure it's the one equalizing factor for all of us....none of us come out of this unscathed, and maybe what I've written to help myself and other's get through our losses might help the next guy as well....who knows.
Anyhow, off to put on my other hat now, and sort cows....whoooweeee fun Sunday stuff!
Till next time,

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