Summer has arrived. Seems like it took forever to get here, but she's arrived in all her wonderous glory at last!
My morning walks are a daily wait and see of the who's who of the area wildlife. There is hardly a morning that goes by where I don't come across a number of deer, rabbits and this morning, the Snapper Turtle that lives in the creek was up laying her eggs on the roadside. Every years she insists on laying them in what seems to me to be the most ridiculous place. I don't know if they've ever hatched or not, we've never seen evidence that they have, but each June she returns to the middle
of the road to deposit them again. The turtle population around here seems to continue to thrive, so I'll just have to accept that she must know what she's doing better than I do.
Last nights evening of Cowboy Poetry at MacGregor after the fair was a lot of fun. In was a nice turnout of people to watch, considering how very many thing there are going on on a Saturday in June in our small communities. I was only one of 5 different performances, but it was a lot of fun to participate, and the contributions that came in to support the young fellow struggling with cancer is going to help his family a lot I hope.
It a rather quiet day ahead of us here I think. I'm looking forward to catching up on some phone calls, getting some bills paid, then taking the guitar out on the deck to do a little writing. Sometimes, the words and lines come so fast and furious in my mind when I'm tied up doing other's hard to make time to sit down and write them all out. That's something I have to get better at as I move along.
Shane is still struggling with a really bad cold, and although he doesn't get sick often on me, when he does it's a horrible challenge for him to over come. It's too bad now that his summer has finally arrived, and the pool is sitting calling to him, that he's stuck trying to get over a stupid bug. Watching him struggle is hard on my spirit. There seems to be so little that can be done to move him through it, but as a Mom sixteen years of feeling helpless to make things better when they are bad really wears you down. It sounds like things are starting to loosen for him, so hopefully he will get feeling better by tomorrow, if not, off to the doctor we go to see what might be done. Once again, plans get changed, and our direction takes a detour. Life...
Well, I'd better go. I don't want to waste what looks to be a gift of a day!
Till next time.
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