Things have started to settle after Dad's death. Seems like dying is just the start...the paperwork, the details, the hurt goes on for so much longer. I think we're beginning to resurface though...I hope we all are.
I finally finished school! It was a great year, but looking back, I already have trouble imagining how I got through it with all that transpired. There has certainly been nothing simple about any aspect of my world this past year. So now that so much of the stress is behind me, I'm actively pursuing breathing space once again. Making my lists of what I still dream of doing and accomplishing, taking the time each morning for the walk in the morning air that connects me with my center and reestablishes my sense of balance, finding me time in the mayhem.
Last week we had the chance to take a quick trip to the coast, after having had to cancel everything in March. It was great to get away, even though it was only for a very few days..they were busy and enjoyable and full of what I needed most. Time by the water, a couple of days on Salt Spring Island, a visit to Mayne Island and a little recording in between hours spent with family and friends. It was good not to be close to home for Father's Day this year...I know it's the cowards way out, but I've had to be the brave one long's time to do what gets me through. I came back feeling revitalized and reminded of what fills me up, of course the trick now is to carry that through to the everyday. I'm working on that.
Lots going on these days. I'm performing at the MacGregor Fair tonight as part of a fund raiser for a young local boy who is struggling with cancer. My hope for the next year is that I'll always be able to find time to do more of this...playing, volunteering, writing, sharing. I need to break free of the cocoon again and just spread my wings towards what brings me joy.
The days are starting to wind down towards our high school class reunion as well. MacGregor Collegiate Institute Class of 1978. I'm really looking forward to seeing old friends and schoolmates again. Even having had the chance to talk to some on the phone while trying to track everyone down has been great. I wonder if I'm the only one who hasn't changed!?! (ya, right!). MCI Class of '78 ...a lifetime ago, and yet yesterday. There are still a few folks we weren't able to track down at all, but hopefully word will spread, and anyone who does want to participate can be there.
Well, I should go and practice for tonight I guess. Don't want to be outdone by the cowboy poets who are going to be performing there as well! Hope it's a good one!
till next time.
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