Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Portrait of Lavenham

Unexpectedly, it's been an amazing week here in this little town of Lavenham! And a lot of the excitement has to be attributed to the other Lavenham...the one in Suffolk, England, not the one here in Manitoba, Canada!
It all started with an email I received in early October, from Tony Hepworth, a gentleman in Lavenham, Suffolk, who was writing a book about his town there. He wanted to include a chapter on other Lavenhams of the world, and through the wonder of the world wide web, had found me through my website, that mentions where I'm from. I collected information for him from local area books that had been written about our small town's history, and took a few pictures for him of the town as it is now. He expanded his chapter on our Lavenham by a couple of pages, and sent the book off to the printers.
Tuesday, I got an email from him to say that the book was finished, and the copy he'd promised me was in the mail. He also mentioned that he'd been a guest on BBC Radio, promoting the book, and having had one choice of songs to play during the interview, chose a cut off my 'Reflections' CD! I shared that with a few friends who follow and encourage my musical dreams, and through that, one of them found the link so that we could all listen to the broad cast. For anyone that might be interested, go to

It will only be on the sight for another couple of days I think, but was incredibly cool to hear one of my tunes on the BBC! Thankyou Tony for the plug, and all the kind words that went along with it! I am so looking forward to having the opportunity to learn more about the town that our own was named for!

Beyond that little bit of excitement, things have been pretty calm. Trying to get in the spirit of the season, but I'm finding it so hard to do this year. I can't wait for this funk to pass, but worry as to when it will. I think that Christmas, although meant to be a time of family and celebration, can also be a time of sad remembrance for those that are missing this year. Seems to be hitting me hard these days, and even dreams are filled with those no longer with's like one can't escape. I think also it's being heightened with my son's health being so tentative right now...he's having struggles that are new to the struggles he's already living with, and it's tough trying to figure it out for a young man that can't share what's going on. I think if we can get things settled for him, some of my own challenges will ease.

Mixes of the songs for the new CD are starting to come in, and they are sounding good! However, I got a real eye opener the other day around just how painfully slow my lovely dial-up internet connection truly is! When a song comes to me to download, the tunes that are typically 39-50mb in the format my engineer forwards them to me in, it's taking me close to 10 hours per song to download...having always had dialup, I never really thought that much about it, it's just the way it is, and I plan on that when downloading. Last week, I was having trouble opening one song after the download, so I did it a second time...still couldn't open it. Happened, the next day I was going into a meeting in the city, and while at a friends house, she allowed me to download it there, to see if it was more successful. Well, I still wasn't able to open it BUT the darn song only took about 1 minute to download at her house!! Now I see how sucky dial-up really is! So, I've decided to give myself an early Christmas present, and have ordered satellite internet service to be installed...I just hope it works! Life in the country is so, so wonderful...but we do have these little drawbacks to contend with....internet service being one...lousy water pressure being another...but that's another story. Anyways, wish me luck...and maybe when I get up to speed on what's possible on the net now, who know's what I'll actually accomplish in a day!!!!

We got a lovely skiff of snow last night, so everything is looking so clean and pristine here's also got the guys all fired up to be out on their snowmobiles! That's's made for a nice, quiet day for Shane and I to regroup by the fireplace, and get grounded again. Tonight, we're planning on putting up our Christmas tree....maybe that will help fire up the spirit of the season for me.

Well, stay warm....stay safe...till next time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wonders in your own back yard

It's hunting season around here again....I hate this time of year...none of it has ever sat well with me, even as a child. But, because of the abundance of wildlife around here, it's a big part of the reason many people have chosen to live or cottage in the area. For the most part, I believe everyone is pretty responsible about it, but last week, at the beginning of the season, we found some folks just aren't. A calf about to come home from pasture was mistaken for a deer and shot in our west pasture. I don't understand that if someone isn't close enough to know the difference, why would you shoot into the bush (not to was on private property, with no permission given). Anyhow, it did nothing to improve my feelings about the sport, to say the least.
We brought the calf home to autopsy, and before we could dispose of the remains that were behind the bale yard, a group of Bald Eagles found them. It was breathtaking to look out and see at least eight of those amazing creatures gathered for a feast. There were at least 3 fully mature ones, with the other's either immature based on their plumage. We often see one or two at a time, but never a collection like that. It's no wonder that so many cultures find the bird such a source of beauty and inspiration....they are awe inspiring in their majesty. Even amid the frustration of needless loss, we are blessed to be living in a place that gives us such beauty in exchange.
Last night we headed into Portage for the Prairie Player's production of Play On at the Glesby centre. It was the first dinner theatre I've been to in years, and it was a really great night....something out of the ordinary, and wonderful fun. I was amazed at how many old friends I got the chance to connect with at the production as well. It was just what was needed after resurfacing from the recent sadness.
A quiet weekend around here. It's a nice change from some of the hectic circles of the past year. Time to do a little thinking about Christmas if the spirit will allow me to. I've been trying little baby steps, but it's really hard to get into the swing of the season yet...I'm not even sure if it'll happen at all this year, but we've got to keep trying.
I've been very proud of the fact that I've been able to maintain my walking...I'm now past my fifth full month, and have only missed 8 days. It's not doing as much as I'd like for my weight, but it does wonders for my spirit, and that's worth a million bucks right now. Unfortunately, I think I'm killing my treadmill slowly but surly. It died badly enough last week that when Cec and I had two days in the city, we spent the whole time running around looking for a replacement, that I never did find! Then when I came home and tried it, it worked fine again...until today when about 2 minutes from my finishing time it crashed again! Darn that jars you when you've got your momentum going! :( Oh well, maybe it's just needing a little rest before getting back at it tomorrow! I can only hope!
well, that's about it for today.
Till next time.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catching my breath

Feels like we're finally being given a chance to catch our breath a little around here. Still pretty crazy on the farm, trying to get the last of the cattle home from pasture etc, but we've had the first of our snow, and if feels like we're starting to settle into the winter mode.
Things seem to have been coming together a little smoother the last week or so. Work seems manageable, there hasn't been too much craziness on the home front, and there seems to be a little time each day just to sit back and breathe. Feels like that's been missing for much of the last year.
I attended the Manitoba Farm Women's conference in Brandon last week. It was a really great collection of sessions and seminars on self care and stress management. Came at just the right time. When I actually charted all the stuff we've had to deal with over the past 12 months on a stress calculator, I realized just how hard the past 12 months have been. Now the goal is to try and keep that knowledge front and centre, and to bear it in mind each time I consider taking on something I don't truly have the time of passeion for, and to try to ensure I keep thing manageable for myself. No one else is going to do that for me!
Started getting the first mixes of the songs for the new album this week. I'm really happy with what's coming in. I just hope it'll be together in time for Christmas...but that's getting iffy now. It was never my worry to have it for Christmas, but it seems when it's this close to finished, it would be nice. We'll see what happens.
Not too much else happening of interest right now....that's nice for a change. We're hosting Ken Hamm at our Home Routes house concert next Tuesday, November 25th. After that there will be a break from the concerts for the holiday season, unti the restart in February.
Speaking of Christmas, I'd like to offer a free download of my Christmas song "Upon that Christmas star" once again. Go to
to get your free download. Sadly, blogger doesn't seem to be working for adding pictures or direct links properly for me right now, so you may have to access it manually. Althouth this is a free download for the Christmas song, it was written to support Winnipeg Harvest, and food banks across Canada. Because of that, I've committed all Socan royalties for this song to be donated to our foodbanks, so whenever you have a chance to support or request radio play that will work provide royalties, you can be sure that you are supporting foodbanks. It's critical that we remember that there are thousands of people across our country that don't feel the gift of joy that most of us are fortunate enough to experience when the holidays roll around. Let's all do what we can to change that!
Until next time.
Take care,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November Remembers

Another month has sped by, and more heartbreak in our household to deal with. Cecil's mother, Hazel Turner, passed away on October 27th. For the second time in six months we found ourselves coming to terms with the loss of a parent, and it all seems just too soon and hard to be doing that again. Rememberance day just around the corner, and that too seems extrememly tough this year as both my Dad and my Mother-in-law were veterans who served our country and deserved to be recognized at this time of year. This year that recognition brings more sadness than ever before.

October had some hightlights that need to be shared. On October 16th I got to check another thing off my 'to-do' list, when I got to see Neil Young in concert at the MTS centre in Winnipeg. What a show he put on...and two hours into his performance, his voice still never wavered. One half expects that time will steal the ability to rock away from us, but is certainly hasn't touched his performance one bit! I loved it, and am so glad that it finally happened.
We were trying to figure out just how old Neil was now, so a couple of weeks after the concert I had some time to kill, and did a little googling. I was blown away to learn of Neil and Peggy Young's involvement in the Bridges School in California. I'm particularly interested, as I've been doing my practicum on augmentative communication. Bridges School was founded to support communication for children who are unable to communicate verbally. They seem to be leaders in the field. The Young's son Ben has cerebral palsy, and sounds like he struggles with many of the same symptoms and challenges that Shane faces every day, and it was because of Ben that the Youngs founded the school in 1986. Of course all this new knowledge has lead to another to-do on my list. Every October they host a 2 days accoustic concert to raise funds for the of course somewhere down the line I'm going to have to find a way to attend that one day. Sheesh! My list just never does get any smaller does it!

We were out in BC recording the final voice tracks for my second CD in October as well. All went well with that, and the hope is that the cd will be done by Christmas time, so that's a positive to help offset some of the heartaches of this year. Of course, some of those heartaches are reflected in the songs of this collection, but there are also songs with humor and of appreciation to offset the sadder tunes as well, so I hope it's a well rounded collection.

Our second Home Routes House Concert of the season was held the end of October, with Rose Cousins as the performer. Rose was a lovely lady from Halifax (a native of PEI though), who entertained us with songs off her "If you were for me" CD.
We had our first snowday of the year from school yesterday. We got about a foot of snow dumped on us here Thursday/Friday, so I guess old man winter has arrived in the valley. We're not as ready as we'd like to be with all the events that have taken place over the past few weeks, but then we never really do feel like we're ready for winter again anyways!

Till next time,
Take care,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How can time fly so Quickly by....

I don't know how it can possibly be October 4th today...or how two months have slipped by since my last writing. Every morning on my walk my mind recites exactly the things that I need to record when I get back to the house, but then I do get back to the house, and the phone starts to ring, and the emails start flashing, and the needs of the day push all of the brilliant thoughts I had right out of my mind...and life carries on.
There's been a lot happening since my last post. Harvest has come and gone...although it was a challenge with the continual rains that seemed to dog our progress. School is well underway for yet another year. And life on the farm is starting to make it's preparations for winter a priority.
I took this picture yesterday, as I was on a picture taking binge it seemed. We had our first frost here in the valley last Saturday, which is extremely late for us for a change, but with the frost, the colors of fall have come to life. And today we have been given another beautiful day to appreciate them. It's sunny and about 22degrees here, so plans have been made for one last get together at our little campsite down by the river. I for one, am really looking forward to sitting back for a few hours and just breathing it in.
So what's been happening...well August was a bit of a blur with trying to get all the farm work finished up in the short clips of good weather that we had. Summer never did afford us the warm weather that would have made it seem like it had actually been there,and all in all, it was just an odd one somehow.
September started out with the CCMAs in Winnipeg. When we got our delegate passes in January, we filled out the forms that we would volunteer a bit while they were in town. Somehow volunteering a bit turned into overseeing transportation for the weekend...and what was supposed to be a fairly simple assignment, it turned out instead to be 6 16-18hour days where the words...'CCMA Transportation Room...Lynda Speaking...." burned into my memory for about two weeks after it was all behind! By the end of the first day, I was a little ticked at what I'd fallen into, but as the weekend wore on, it turned out to be one of the coolest 4 days of my life. I had the opportunity to meet and work with not only my co-coordinator Brenda, but a whole team of remarkable people that gave 110% every single day to make the event successful. And although I missed a number of the conference sessions that I know I would have enjoyed (particularly all the songwriter's cafes), I had the opportunity to get to know some of the people behind the names that I've admired for years, and that was worth every minute of lost sleep. One of my favorite memories was of the time spent with Joan Besen, and her playing partner David Celia, who I had the honor of chauffeuring to a number of events. Having the opportunity to connect on a different level was so wonderful. I also had a chance to get to know the true lady that is Michelle Wright. Those are memories that a delegate pass just can't buy. And I think one of the coolest things for me was that although I took vacation time to participate in the event, and vacation it certainly was not....for those few days I couldn't have been further away from my everyday world....I was completely immersed in something so different that it really did end up being a vacation of sorts.
Last week we started up with the 2008-2009 Home Routes House Concert series, with a performance by Rick Fines of Peterborough, Ontario. Rick is an amazing Blues singer/songwriter/guitarist, and gave us all the gift of better understanding, and appreciating the history and the heritage that is Blues music. We were honored to host him in our home, and hope that our paths cross down the road again sometime. One of the gifts that Home Routes has given all of us as presenters is the opportunity to be exposed to styles and types of music that growing up in Rural Manitoba didn't. It something we really enjoy! Our next house concert is scheduled for Monday October 27th when we will be hosting Rose Cousins from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
In two weeks I'll be heading back out to BC to do the final voice tracks for a collection of new songs we've been working on over the summer months. Hopefully the cold I've been fighting will be long over with by that time, because if it isn't it'll take all the fun out of recording that's for sure! I'm not lucky star will make sure all is well come that weekend I'm sure!
I guess that about covers where things have been of late. One thing that I'm also really excited about is Neil Young coming to the Winnipeg MTS centre on October 16th. Seeing him perform live is another of the things that I'll be able to check off my life's to-do list, and I'm glad I'm finally going to have the opportunity.
Well that should be all...time to go pack the picnic basket I guess, and enjoy one of the few remaining summer like days of fall.
Till next time,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Morning has broken...

This morning at about 5:30, for some reason, my eyes peaked open, and I saw my bedroom was filled with the most amazing, golden glow. I looked out the window to the east, and saw this sunrise. The camera was only able to capture half of it's magnificence, but how magnificent it was! Nature has such a way of taking your breath away sometimes!
There's been a lot go on since my last post. We managed to get through the MCI Class of '78 reunion last weekend....and surprisingly...we haven't changed a bit! Well, maybe one of two of us just slightly....but it was still a great afternoon. I believe that there were originally 56 in our graduating class....3 people are no longer with us, but we still managed to gather well over 30 (with their partners and families) for the afternoon, so with that we'll call it a success. The weather was great, the night was mosquito free, and the afternoon was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect, remember and relive. I enjoyed it...but for as wonderful as it was....I'm still glad this weekend is event free!
I've been feeling so proud of the fact that I haven't missed a day of walking since our return home from BC on June 17th. I heard a report on the news yesterday about a pill that is in the works that is going to replace exercise in providing benefits to the human body. One trainer they spoke to said, no way ...never, because it can't ever replace the feeling of accomplishment that exercise gives us, when we are able to keep that promise to ourselves. I realized that that was so much a part of what makes me feel good about doing this. With all the struggles we've had this summer (2 weeks in the hospital with Shane, the reunion planning, work things...), I've been true to my promise to me for a change, and that's likely why I feel so good, and get up every morning before 7 to do it again. That is until yesterday, when on my walk home, a young man visiting neighbors stopped me along my way to tell me he'd seen a black bear at our corner two days before! Sheesh!!!! That's all I needed to hear, especially when last nights news covered the story of the lady in California who was attacked when out walking her dogs in July. My promise to me seems a little less important , but at least hearing this helped me start to make sense of some of the sounds and tracks I've been experiencing along my walk....come this morning, I was much more tentative heading on my way, but I dragged Lady the Wonderdog with me, in hopes that she'll keep me safe should anything happen. We'll see how it goes....
Been busy doing some writing and recording of late. Trying to get the final touches done for a new collection of 12 songs I'm recording. Tough time of year to find the time, but always feels so good when I do. I'm pleased with the collection so far!
Also starting to get excited about this years Country Music Week in Winnipeg. I enjoy what the CCMA's have to offer every year. It's another opportunity to grow a little in something I love.
Also excitedly waiting to hear who's going to be participating in the Home Routes House Concert series this year...that's right around the bend again as well!
The rest is much of the same ole same ole. Farming, working, trying to enjoy the short summer we're afforded, and knowing that it'll only be a blink of the eye and be gone. It speeds by so fast.
Hoping to get back here soon!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A beautiful Summer Sunday

Summer has arrived. Seems like it took forever to get here, but she's arrived in all her wonderous glory at last!

My morning walks are a daily wait and see of the who's who of the area wildlife. There is hardly a morning that goes by where I don't come across a number of deer, rabbits and this morning, the Snapper Turtle that lives in the creek was up laying her eggs on the roadside. Every years she insists on laying them in what seems to me to be the most ridiculous place. I don't know if they've ever hatched or not, we've never seen evidence that they have, but each June she returns to the middle of the road to deposit them again. The turtle population around here seems to continue to thrive, so I'll just have to accept that she must know what she's doing better than I do.
Last nights evening of Cowboy Poetry at MacGregor after the fair was a lot of fun. In was a nice turnout of people to watch, considering how very many thing there are going on on a Saturday in June in our small communities. I was only one of 5 different performances, but it was a lot of fun to participate, and the contributions that came in to support the young fellow struggling with cancer is going to help his family a lot I hope.
It a rather quiet day ahead of us here I think. I'm looking forward to catching up on some phone calls, getting some bills paid, then taking the guitar out on the deck to do a little writing. Sometimes, the words and lines come so fast and furious in my mind when I'm tied up doing other's hard to make time to sit down and write them all out. That's something I have to get better at as I move along.
Shane is still struggling with a really bad cold, and although he doesn't get sick often on me, when he does it's a horrible challenge for him to over come. It's too bad now that his summer has finally arrived, and the pool is sitting calling to him, that he's stuck trying to get over a stupid bug. Watching him struggle is hard on my spirit. There seems to be so little that can be done to move him through it, but as a Mom sixteen years of feeling helpless to make things better when they are bad really wears you down. It sounds like things are starting to loosen for him, so hopefully he will get feeling better by tomorrow, if not, off to the doctor we go to see what might be done. Once again, plans get changed, and our direction takes a detour. Life...
Well, I'd better go. I don't want to waste what looks to be a gift of a day!
Till next time.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Piecing it back together...

Slowly but surely if feels like the pieces of my heart a edging their way together, and time is moving forward once more. It seems like it's been such a long, exhausting few months, but its almost like I can see daylight again.
Things have started to settle after Dad's death. Seems like dying is just the start...the paperwork, the details, the hurt goes on for so much longer. I think we're beginning to resurface though...I hope we all are.
I finally finished school! It was a great year, but looking back, I already have trouble imagining how I got through it with all that transpired. There has certainly been nothing simple about any aspect of my world this past year. So now that so much of the stress is behind me, I'm actively pursuing breathing space once again. Making my lists of what I still dream of doing and accomplishing, taking the time each morning for the walk in the morning air that connects me with my center and reestablishes my sense of balance, finding me time in the mayhem.
Last week we had the chance to take a quick trip to the coast, after having had to cancel everything in March. It was great to get away, even though it was only for a very few days..they were busy and enjoyable and full of what I needed most. Time by the water, a couple of days on Salt Spring Island, a visit to Mayne Island and a little recording in between hours spent with family and friends. It was good not to be close to home for Father's Day this year...I know it's the cowards way out, but I've had to be the brave one long's time to do what gets me through. I came back feeling revitalized and reminded of what fills me up, of course the trick now is to carry that through to the everyday. I'm working on that.
Lots going on these days. I'm performing at the MacGregor Fair tonight as part of a fund raiser for a young local boy who is struggling with cancer. My hope for the next year is that I'll always be able to find time to do more of this...playing, volunteering, writing, sharing. I need to break free of the cocoon again and just spread my wings towards what brings me joy.
The days are starting to wind down towards our high school class reunion as well. MacGregor Collegiate Institute Class of 1978. I'm really looking forward to seeing old friends and schoolmates again. Even having had the chance to talk to some on the phone while trying to track everyone down has been great. I wonder if I'm the only one who hasn't changed!?! (ya, right!). MCI Class of '78 ...a lifetime ago, and yet yesterday. There are still a few folks we weren't able to track down at all, but hopefully word will spread, and anyone who does want to participate can be there.
Well, I should go and practice for tonight I guess. Don't want to be outdone by the cowboy poets who are going to be performing there as well! Hope it's a good one!
till next time.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

In Memory of my Father...

You might have thought I'd dissappeared, it's been so long since I've had the chance to writer. No such thing...but we've certainly been focused on other things for the past couple of months. Now it's time to start catching up on the parts of life that have been left to let, blogging, breathing....all the little things.
On March 18th my Dad passed away (this is a picture of him and I in 1962...if you download the song it'll make more sense..) It wasn't really a surprise I guess. He'd been struggling for almost two years, as a result of the stroke he'd had in 2006. I guess, though, that even when it's expected, it's still not really expected. It's made for quite the time. I don't think I could have written a whole lot sooner....the hurt was just too raw. The hurt is still there, and the missing always will be, but at least one can start to think a little again. It sure does take time.
We finished up the last of our Home Routes House Concerts last week with a performance by Yael Wand accompanied by Christina Zaenker, both from BC. What an awesome duo they are!! We all enjoyed both their entertaining and their company! It was great. What a wonderful experience hosting the Home Routes series has been for us! We've met so many amazing performers over the past year, and feel we have connections all over the continent now because of it.
I'm busy practicing for ACL Brandon's Femme Fix. It's their annual ladies smoker and one of their biggest fundraisers of the year. It's always a pleasure to perform to a group of women that are having so much fun....we all need a little more of that!
Five more weeks and school will be finished!! Whooooohooooooo! I so enjoyed all of it, but if I'd had a crystal ball to project what this year was going to end up looking like I might have done a whole lot of things differently! Oh well...its all part of the journey isn't it. And if we could see the future...would we ever step outside our own front door? I wonder.
Free download
This rounds free download is called "One More Star (Grandpa's Song)" in memory of my dad, James Dickson. I remember really clearly the day we finished the recorded version of this song when I was doing my cd. Dad hadn't known that I'd ever written a song about Grandpa. On the morning after I received the mp3 of the finished product, I burned a cd of it and Shane and I stopped by Mom and Dad's on our way to somewhere, and had them come out to the van to hear it. I remember Dad listening so intently, and when I looked in the rear view at him, tears were rolling down his cheeks. When it was over, he said "Boy, those sure are beautiful words to hear about your Dad...I hope someday someone will be able to say that about me." Dad...we all do. I couldn't sing at the way...but we played this song as the recessional. I think Dad would have been happy about that.
Well...I'm gonna run. As always my fingers are crossed that I'll get back here sooner than later, but you know how my life goes!
Till then,

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Well, another six days, and another February will have fallen behind us. It's been such a hectic, hectic months, that I'm actually at a point where I can reach out and touch my limits...and feel them every moment. The biggest problem is, I just don't know what ball to drop with this juggling act, and it feels like there are just too many in the air. I know there have been a few occasions over the past couple of weeks where it has gotten the best of me, and trying to relax results in a total shut-down...I've gotta figure out how to get better at this.
Good news is, that we now have my Mom's hip replacement behind us, and brother Mike is now here from Maple Ridge for a couple of weeks to share some of the the ability to distribute will be helpful. Dad's still in the manor for a day or two, begrudgingly, so hopefully, he can hang in until we get the next stages of the care giving sorted through.
Living the life of the meat in the sandwich....what can I say.
Last Saturday we were honored to host James Gordon, for our 4th in this years series of Home Routes House Concerts. He put on a great show for all of us, and was a pleasure to have as a guest. Only two more shows for this year, Kat Goldman on March 17th and Yael Wand on April 22. It's really been a lot of fun to have participated in this, and we'll have to see if what next year holds.
Wednesday night I got home from work just about the time the Lunar Eclipse was starting, and we were lucky to be able to witness the entire event, right from our chairs in the living room. I was trying to take a few pictures (some turned out, some didn't), but I thought this one was kind interesting the way the triple pane window reflected the image....just thought I'd share. Apparently we don't get to experience this again until 2010. Boy, what a year full of events that's going to be!
I picked up my brother, Micheal Dickson, from the airport yesterday, and was glad to see him get off the plane with his guitar in tow. Hopefully there'll be a little room to breathe and jam over the next two weeks. I'll just have to find a way to make some, somehow!
We're holding down the fort today watching the semi finals of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts curling (Mom's been staying with us since her surgery, and if there's a TV to be found, she'll find the curling on it!). The menfolk are all off to the Lavenham Poker Derby. What a great day for it to...its just barely freezing, and a beautiful sunny day. The guys have had a lot of fun preparing for it, so I hope they have just as much fun participating in it. It's good to see Cecil allowing himself to relax and go play, with all that the last several months have entailed, there just hasn't been enough of that. Boys and their toys....and man, there are some pretty nice toys out there!
Free Download:
February's free download has been the song 'Learn' , and as I sit here, finally having taken the time to do something that I keep telling myself to make time to do, I realize how much learning I have to do right now. The words tell me to take time and appreciate, and in the whirlwind that has been our life this past month, that knowledge has slipped terribly from my grasp. I need to regroup, regather, and remind myself of all that is good, and precious, and irreplaceable in my life right here, right now. It's too easy to get trapped on the treadmill that will just go faster as you do.....I've got to put on the brakes and step off for a while. Now the trick is to try and figure out how to do that......
Take care all,

Sunday, February 3, 2008

SuperBowl Sunday

I'll be the first to admit to anyone that cares....I am not a football fan. Never have been, likely never will be, and for the most part the closest I ever did come to actually being interested in football was using it as an excuse to get the keys to the 1964 Valiant to go and cheer on the MacGregor Mustangs football team in the late '70s.
But on this day each year, it doesn't really matter if you're a football fan or not. When the SuperBowl is on...ya just gotta watch! Shane and I even had to place a call to my Dad this afternoon to see who good Lavenhamians might be cheering apparently we like the Patriots, unless it looks like they're losing...then we'll likely back New York!
Today was cool though, as we tuned in just before half-time to watch Tom Petty's show. He's still got it, and even though he's certainly a little are the rest of us! The show took us back! For me the clincher was when he sang "Won't back down."...
with that I was back at the Portage Legion, playing with Keith Haddad and Dwayne Watson, in our little 3 piece band, having the time of my life....funny how 17 years can feel like forever ago!
Right now, our days are really busy trying to meet the needs of both slices of bread, as we live the life of the Sandwich Generation to it's full extent. We've been keeping it all together pretty good in the 18months since my Dad had the stroke that knocked him down so badly, but right now, we're having to throw a hip replacement for my Mom into the mix....a lot of planning on any given day, let me tell you. I'm sure it'll all work out, but by the time you arrange care for Mom, care for Dad, and care for Shane....there's very little energy left for the self-care that is so necessary to keep going. Surgery doesn't happen until Feb. 11th, but I'm already tired just planning for it. Keep us all in your thoughts!
We've just survived another really, really cold snap. Three out of five days this past week there was no school because of the cold, so that means a lot of rearranging on my part... but that's okay. I'd rather be rearranged at home where it's warm, than to be out facing those elements when the windchill is at -52C. Although the weather has broken, and the last couple of days really have been pretty still makes you question why it is you stay here! We actually finally got our passports and had full intentions of running away to somewhere warm, but time wasn't on our side right now. It's very, very frustrating to me, who is always preaching that we must live while we're alive!!! If only life would respect my own philosophies!
Over the past couple of months, I've felt myself starting to drown in obligations and commitments. I realized last night that the only time I've picked up the guitar in the last 6 weeks was to play at Shirley Mark's funeral. That's not right!
Therefore, I've decided to give myself a reminder of what really matters, and what needs to be at the forefront, and for this month's download I've selected
I wrote 'LEARN' just days before going into the studio in 2005. It came to me when a friend of mine, Barb Pavlek, came to my house for a visit. Barb was barely 35, and was midway through her second battle with cancer, and knew that this time she was not going to be the victor. We were having a coffee out on my deck, by the pool, and talking about someone who was grumbling and complaining about something that seemed to be of such little consequence, when Barb shook her head and said "why can't people just learn how to laugh?". I looked at Barb with her head in her scarf wrap, and her tiny, frail body and thought to God, you could teach all of us such lessons. We lost Barb about a year and a half ago....but as I sit here trying to balance and centre myself in the chaos that surrounds me, I'm grateful for her lesson, as it all come's back to me now!
So please download "Learn" if you get the chance, and take a minute to listen to the message.... It's one we could all "learn" from in these days of hustle and bustle....
Take care all,

Sunday, January 13, 2008

MacGregor Collegiate Institute (MCI) Class of '78 Reunion

June, 2008, will mark the 30 year reunion for my graduating class. The last week has been a really neat one, as we try and connect with the 'kids' that we celebrated the day with so long ago, and arrange a day to reconnect and relive the things that were.

It seems incredible that that much time could have slipped through our fingers, amazing really! But journeying through the past, with our old high school yearbook as our guide, I realize how very, very much has changed....looks, lives, dreams, goals. Sometimes the people in the pictures seem a world away, not just years.

But also, I realize how very, very much has remained the same....friends, confidants, values, dreams...the ones that put a smile on your face and in your heart thirty years ago, still seem to have the ability and the gift of being able to do that today. The ones you haven't had the chance to talk to, in many cases for years, can pick up a conversation with you like we spoke yesterday...Connections formed in our school years, really can be remarkable things...something to treasure.

We've been busy trying to find folks that we haven't had the chance to talk to, in some cases years, so it's a rather daunting task at times. Still, it's remarkable that when the word gets out there, that it does travel fast, so for everyone that's working on this...good job! Every name helps.

I had a few people wonder if there was a website, and no, we're not that high tech or with the times I'm afraid, but I figured if folks were trying to search for information via the web, that this might help them to get started....

Our reunion date will be July 26th, 2008, and we will be getting together here at the farm for a day. We're welcoming not only those that graduated with us, but those that shared our journey, even if they chose a different path midway through, or completed it before us. It should be a fun day!

I've started the required "holy smokes a reunion's coming" diet, and have effectively gained about 3 pounds this week!! I'm pretty sure I'm not alone! Whatever, we are who we are, and we are so lucky to still be in this race!

That's all for today....but will keep posts and updates here, and hopefully our list of MIAs will continue to shrink as the weeks move on.

Don't forget this months free download is (Heroes)

Till next time,


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

2008 has arrived, and once again we're left wondering where the old year went so quickly! It's been a hectic couple of weeks with all the festivities and the company, but we're so lucky to be in a situation where we're graced by that. I realize that other's are not.
The holiday season leaves me so nostalgic year after year. You celebrate those that are with you, but can't help but remember those that are not. I find that even when I don't consciously think of the ones we've lost in the daylight hours, they sneak into my dreams at night, to remind me that they were here, and should not be forgotten. I wish I could assure them that they are not.
It's also the time to bring out that good old list of resolutions....I've been working off the same list for the better part of my life I think, so I fold it carefully, so that I can use it again next year....1) I will lose weight, 2) I will save more money, 3) I will live a healthier lifestyle, 4) I will be a better goes on..... I'm glad in my life that I have been able to stroke off a few of the "I wills", but certainly not enough! Maybe this will be my year!!! My 2008 horoscope says it's going to be an awesome one, so I'm going to go with that!
As I started in December, I'll be giving away free downloads here on a regular basis, to those who would wish to download them. I've been having trouble decided what one to highlight for January, but I've decided that I'm going to go with my song 'Heroes'. It seems like the most logical of choices, as the song was written as a tribute to my own son, my husband, my parents. With Shane and Dad both celebrating birthdays in the next couple of weeks, I think I'll dedicate January to them.
I wrote 'Hero' just the week before I started to record my cd 'Reflections'. I suddenly realized out of all the songs I'd written and chose for the project, none spoke of those who were most important to my life and well being. I've told Shane for years that he was my biggest Hero, but as I started to write the lyrics, I realized that I had a number of heroes, past and present, who have supported me to get to today. This song is for all of them, named in the song or not. I hope you enjoy it.

To the New Year, and to new beginnings

Let us start fresh, right now,
To make this the very best year ever.

May it bring more joy and success , and less grief and regret.
May we all try to go with the flow a little more and stress a little less.
Let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams
And as for our dreams...
May we never stop believing in them
And taking the actions that will make them a reality.

To our friends and loved ones,
May we take the time to let them know
how much it means to us to have them in our lives.
May they come to appreciate themselves, as much as we appreciate them.

Let us encourage more and criticize less,
Give more and need less.
And whenever we can, let us create harmony and peace.

May we focus on each other's good points
and choose to overlook minor annoyances,
to create mutual happiness and contentment in 2008.
Here's to 2008:For each and every one of you,
may it be filled with significant steps toward the fulfillment of your fondest wishes.
Here's to 2008 ! Enjoy the journey

The best to all!