Sunday, December 16, 2007
From my house to yours...
Welcome to my living room...can you see why this is one of my favorite places in the whole, wide world. Settling down in front of the crackling fire wipes away so many of the worries of the day, and I can't help but be filled with a sense of peace.
I love this fireplace, because to me it means that I'm home. I had it constructed the year after my first husband passed away. We always had fireplaces when I was a kid, because very few houses on the west coast were without them at that time...I guess it offset the damp. Some of my earliest singing memories center around singing "DownTown" in front of a fireplace in Victoria. I'd always said that someday I would have a fireplace again, and when I realized that this is the only place that I ever want to call home, I decided that this is where my fireplace must be. The rest as they say is history. So here I am...home.
It's been a great week. Not great, because of all the big, earth shattering things that happened, but great because of all the little ones. A day spent with my husband, a visit to my mother-in-law, a day with my Mom, a phone call with Dad, a snow day with Shane and each day ended, I just felt good! Good, that I'd had the day to share with the ones that matter , good that for all the chaos and busyness that often surrounds us, we still have days just to share. Good.
I've got another few days of work, then I'll be taking a week off with no school, and no is going to be heavenly. The fall has been pretty hectic, but it's been worth it. Still, I'm really looking forward to a little down time over the holidays.
I got an early Christmas present yesterday that I'm so excited about. Ever since I finished painting in September, I've been looking for just the right picture for my kitchen, and have had no luck finding it. I love Rhonda Kullberg's has such passion and uniqueness, and usually holds a message that makes you think. Yesterday, I was looking for last minute gifts in Treherne, and after looking down at the shelves for half an hour, for some reason I looked up...and there it was...the picture that I've been waiting to find for the past 6 months for my kitchen. I didn't know what I was looking for until I saw it...but all of a sudden it was there. Funny how the things you're dreaming of often materialize. I don't think that the painting itself has a's a collage like collection of works, quotes, and pictures...but it's perfect. The one quote that sticks out to me most today is "The best things in life aren't things.".....I certainly have to agree!
My Christmas song "Upon this Christmas Star" is still available as a free download for anyone who's wishing to do so, and will be for the next week or so. To download it go to
Till next time
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's a snow day!!!!!!
I took this picture out the living room window this morning....the trees actually hide them, but those are sun dogs!!! Looks like some cold days ahead of us!
I'm really excited today, because for the first time in 30 years I get to have a snow-day from school!!! I truly forgot how cool this was, and have enjoyed it immensely, even though I did manage to buckle down to do my required homework.....still it was pretty nice not to have to make the trip to the city for college today.
The wind was something else in the night last night. We're normally so protected from the reality of what's happening with the weather here in our valley, but last night, man...old man winter was screaming! I can't ever remember hearing the TV tower hitting the end of the house like that. It was a rare event, and one I don't care to try and sleep through too often. Things seem to have settled for now, and hopefully it'll be okay by morning, as tomorrow is my final class and tests for this first semester. I really want to be able to get it over with, then just take the next couple of weeks off to relax before it all starts again.
The snow day also gave me some time to practice today. Sadly, it's not for a Christmas concert, but for a funeral for the father of a friend of mine. Is it just me, or do there seem to be more of these this time of year? Maybe it's just that they hit a little harder at a time when the world expects us to be joyous. Regardless, funerals are tough at any time of year, but they are tougher in December. My thoughts are with you Mel.
On Sunday, I watched Oprah's movie production of "One More Day". I read Mitch Albom's book when it first came out, and as with all of his books, just loved the story and the message. I urged my Mom to watch it when it was on too, and it really hit home for both of us. So yesterday, I took the day, and helped Mom through her list of errands that pile on her for her one respite day a week. I try to do that as often as I can, but so many weeks go by where it's just not possible. However this week, I was really glad I made the time to do it, and it gave us 'One more Day' together to treasure. It seems as all of our parents are aging and changing, we really do need to cherish each day we get to have with them. Too soon the chances will be lost, and I'm hoping for very few regrets.
On that note....I'd better go and practice. Don't forget to get your free download of 'Upon that Christmas Star" by going to Pass the message along to friends who are building their own Christmas music libraries of free Christmas downloads.
Till next time
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Upon this Christmas Star...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Time Flies....
Later all,
Friday, October 19, 2007
WCMA's in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Tomorrow we're planning to take in the seminars and session, then hopefully in the evening we'll venture over to listen to Kat Danser. We got the opportunity to meet Kat last year in Winnipeg (I believe she's out of Edmonton) and we had the chance to exchange CDs. Loved her tunes! This year she's been nominated for Blues album of the year, so way to go Kat!
We're still reeling from another awesome Home Routes house concert last night. We were honored to have the chance to host Chuck Suchy from North Dakota. He gave us all one unforgettable evening of entertainment! One of the greatest parts of the night was watching my Dad enjoy his songs about farming, life in the country, and the ordinary experiences that we all are sustained by. Thankyou Chuck!
Better hit the hay so tomorrow we can accomplish what we hope to!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Children's Wish foundation 'Walk for Wishes'
The CWF Walk for Wishes is coming up this Saturday. I've been happy to have had the opportunity to support the Wish Foundation on several occasions over the past couple of years, and will once again be playing at this years event. I'm really looking forward to this year's event, because it's given me a chance to reunite musically with Keith Haddad for this year's performance. Many people will remember Keith from his years playing with "Double Eagle", but for myself Keith is a longtime friend who was instrumental in both my learning to play the guitar (although I don't know how much he'd like to burden the blame for that, as even after all these years I'm a pretty limited guitar player) , but also in encouraging me always to continue with my writing. It's likely been a dozen years since we've had the opportunity to play together, but in practice, it all just came together as naturally as ever, and man, his picking skills make me sound so much better! It's been a great reminder of how wonderful it is to have gifted people in your life who are willing to share their gifts and talents to support you to pursue you're own passions. I'm looking forward to playing on the weekend, and who knows, maybe more opportunities will present themselves.
We're also going to be busy this week getting ready for the next Home Routes House Concert, which will be taking place next Thursday, October 18th. This month we'll be hosting Chuck Suchy, who I've heard nothing but good things about! We're really looking forward to the evening, and I think our first guests, John and Michelle Law, were such great ambassadors for the project, that everyone on the circuit is fired up for what's to come.
Better run. I'm off bed, because after the flight home, I'm off to school and exams! What a crazy, diverse life I have the pleasure of leading!!
Till next time
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Home Routes with "The Laws"
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Home Routes House concerts
Another highlight was having the opportunity to chat with Sean Smith of the Poverty Plainsman about who the real heroes of the weekend were, and certainly he was one for me.
I also got to share conversations with some of the masters of the songwriting world...what gifts they give us all by sharing their craft. I can't say enough good about the weekend, the people or the job that Regina did in presenting the week.
Now we're home we're excitedly gearing up for our first Home Routes Concert. Home Routes is a new concept that is taking place across Western Canada in supporting travelling roots based artists by giving them an opportunity to put on a house concert in your home as they make their way across the country. For more information check out .We've started to familiarize ourselves with the artists we will be hosting and what wonderful talent we'll be experiencing! I can't wait! Next week is our first concert which will feature the husband and wife team, The Laws. I'll let you know when it's over!
On another front, I'm back in college, so that's been a new experience for me! Who'd have thought at this stage of m life, but it's been awesome. It takes a little juggling to put things mildly, but it's all going to be worth it I'm sure. It just adds one more dimension to an already full life!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Canadian Country Music Week in Regina
This afternoon I attended a songwriter's session that was awesome, and toured around the room with a group that included Gary Fjellgaard. It's so amazing to be so close to people who you've admired for years and years for their craft!
Cecil I appear to have lost at the moment....I stayed for the industry awards, and he had a chance to head to Fan Fest with a really nice couple we met from here in I hope he doesn't get lost on me, because I just don't have time to go and find him!!
Better run ...just seemed important to do an update at this point. The adrenalin is high as are the spirits, so gotta go with it.
We're seeing so many big names in the country music industry everywhere we go, and there are so many nice people. It seems so easy to connect and strike up conversations and friendships when you have the love of music in common.
Well, will post more later....till then...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Jann Arden's Journal....
The road I've travelled has contained a lot of twists and turns, and all those detours have lead me to where I am today. So no, I'm not touring the country, opening for any big name acts. And no, I'm not wooing audiences throughout North America, sleeping in a different hotel, in a different town everynight...but you know...that's just fine, because my heart tells me I am where I'm meant to different as this life is from the dreams of a young girl with a song in her heart!
At the end of my kinda boring, quiet day today, I spent some time filling up my bird feeders and watering the flowers on the deck. While doing that I sang "Won't say goodbye" at the top of my lungs to my dogs and the wild cats that would listen. I realized that that song, written to sing at the funeral of a family friend who passed away a couple of weeks ago (Olive Tunski), will not touch the hearts of millions of faceless, adoring fans around the world. But it deeply touched the hearts of a few dear friends who needed to hear their pain expressed in words that meant something to them, and with that it did exactly what it was meant to do.
After I got things settled for Shane, I took my daily walk, albeit later than usual. I headed up to the escarpment, and stood, drinking in the beauty of that wonderful place for moment. As it was my stage, I had 3/4s of a harvest moon shining in a hazy cloud to my left, and the most amazing sunset (the mixture of tangerine, violet, fusia and pinks cannot be adequately described I'm afraid) illuminated the sky to my right. The stage that I get to perform on cannot be topped, I don't care who's doing the lighting! It's days like this that remind me not to even venture into the land of what might have been, or what I'm not experiencing, but rather to immerse myself in the beauty of the life that is, and I realize that I do have it all, right here, right now....I truly am one of the lucky ones, and it's nice to have a chance to slow down enough to know that!
Take care you all!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hot days in the summertime...
Music has once again been slid back onto the back burner on me. It seems to be the cycles of my life. My subconscious must be struggling to remind me of the joy I'm setting aside right now, because the past several weeks have given me the most amazing series of dreams to enjoy! Gotta tell you...I love my dream world!
I think it started with Jann Arden and I putting on this really great concert together at the Rossendale Country Store....we were amazing! A couple of nights later Randy Bachman was giving me a personal tour of this amazing, ocean side house he'd just finished renovating on Salt Spring Island and I was feeling so great knowing that we were going to be next door neighbors. Then came my tour of the UK with Paul McCartney, after he'd asked me to sing backup for him on his latest album. It was a pretty cool world of swanky parties and big lights. Two nights ago I had the chance to sit and talk with Martina McBride before she preformed at a fundraiser I was attending, and we were having this great discussion about writing, and the power of lyrics. Then there was the evening I spent hanging out with Elvis, but I gotta tell you, that one left me a little disturbed, because if he and I were hanging of us was in the wrong dimension! ....Yep, I love it when I go to sleep! I really do believe that our dreams are trying to tell us something....not likely that I'll be singing with Paul McCartney any time soon, but I think they do work at telling me that I need to be more actively involved in my music, because it's really calling to me these days. I just have to take the time to listen and heed the call. That's been a struggle with all of life's commitments, but that's all part of the journey.
We attended the wedding of a couple of dear friends last night, and were once again reminded of the power of heal hearts, to revive dreams, to renew hope. Those reminders are so great to have, because sometimes I think we truly do forget what's most important in the hustle and bustle of it all. IT was great to be invited to witness and participate the birth of a new family, and see the old hurts washed away. Congratulations Heather and Mark, and thank you for sharing your day.
Time to run again. It's one of those days where the opportunities are endless, the commitments are minimal, and the world is our oyster. It's time to go see what it all has to offer!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hey it's good to be back home again....
The second phase of our getaway was to have an early anniversary seafood dinner. My brother made the mistake of telling my husband about this great buffet they had been to in Washington state, where there was the biggest, most succulent pile of king crab legs you'd ever seen! You don't tell my husband about things like that without causing some sort of stir! So we justified it by piggybacking it on the trip with our friend and a visit with my brother. Thank goodness for the airmiles is all I can say!
The little breakaway was great, but for some reason, this time I just couldn't wait to get home to my little corner of the world. There seemed to be more noise, more people, and more traffic than I ever recall...or maybe nothing's changed except that I now realize where I'm meant to be and what it is that soothes my spirit. Regardless, no matter how much we enjoyed the events that drew us out there, returning home was sweeter than I ever recall it being. In fact as I sit here writing, I have my office window open. There's a slight drizzle of rain, and a chorus of birds singing their hearts out. In amongst thier symphony, I just heard the first vehicle drive down our road that I've heard so far today, excluding the bus that picks Shane up for school. Now that's my kind of traffic jam! Mybe it's just that everyday I'm just reminded a little more about how blessed I am with where I live and what I do have right here. John Denver said it is good to be back home again!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Femme Fix!
A chance to kick my heels up, a chance to let my hair down,
A chance to hang with my lady friends, the ones that let me be....
Who I was before the mrs. and the mamma, who I was when I was simply me!" (LDT)
And what a hoot of a night it was! Friday night I performed at the ACL Brandon Femme Fix. So much fun and such a great reminder of the great circle that I'm a part of! I had the opportunity to spend the evening with over 150 other ladies from the Westman area, among them some of my oldest dearest friends, my daughters and some wonderful new friends I've been blessed by lately!
This was the 7th year that ACL Brandon has put this event on as a fundraiser. I had the opportunity to introduce some of my material to a new audience, but I also had the chance to have some fun with Lisa Koch's "Middle Aged Woman". It was so much fun to perform and so well received...what a blast! There's definitely going to be a Lynda Dobbin-Turner Table there again next year whether I'm performing or not!
Nice quiet rainy day today. We've been looking forward to this first spring rain. As you stare out the window, you can almost see the colors turning ever greener before your eyes, and realize that you made it through another one! Whew!! Actually, except for the occasional really, really cold day, I can't really complain about the winters we've had the past couple of years, even though I do. They have a beauty all their own, and with each season we're able to appreciate that I think.
Things have slowed down a little...purposefully. I'm glad for that. I'm glad for the opportunity to sit by the fire and not feel guilty that I'm not doing more of something every single minute. It's hard to give yourself permission to do that, but I think your body just finally says to you, one way or another, just sit and be still for a while now! I'm finally ready to listen again, and to put it all in perspective. I feel better all ready.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. There's some neat stuff going that I'm a part of. I'll make time to fill in the blanks as the days go by, no more posting once a month!! There's too much to say and share!
For now, I have a young man waiting for his Mom to come and hang with him for a while. Today is the perfect day to do that.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Feeding your spirit
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Jann Arden, JP Hoe
JP Hoe was also a wonderful surprise! I'd heard him breifly as part of one of the sessions at last years WCMA awards, and was suitably impressed then, but last night he gained a whole new following of fans in the westman area! His terrific voice and his mastery of the accoustic guitar made for a wonderful opening act. Good sense of humor too! All in all, the night just made me want to go home and write, and play, and remember what it is that feeds my soul.
Balance continues to be a struggle for me these days...I keep promising myself change, but I don't seem to be able to deliver! The hours of work are overwhelming, my guitar sits untouched in the corner of my room, my sense that something is missing continues to grow, but change is in the wind. Spring brings a renewal of spirit, hope, promise, and dreams.....I feel the rejuvenation within.
I had a great girls night out last night. Thanks Janis! It's amazing how connecting with someone whose appreciation of an art lifts you up! It was great.
I'm looking forward to this weekend as well. Friday, May 4th, I'll be performing at the Femme Fix in Brandon. It's an ACL Brandon fundraiser that promises to be a hoot! Ladies only...sorry guys! I've been busy squeezing in rehearsal time enroute to my various destinations, singing my heart out behind the wheel. It garners a lot of strange looks, but it centers you to what you love at the same time.
Life is amazing as always! The business is a little overwhelming from time to time, but I know that it's starting to wind down, so that makes it manageable. The bathroom turned out amazing! I can spend hours just sitting in the tub enjoying my new surroundings...and I don't even need to be having a bath to do it!! The yard is greening up, and a new season is upon us. I'm also really excited about a call I received the other night from Home Routes, with the hope being that over the next year or so I'll have the opportunity to host some house concerts at the farm. What a cool concept! What a neat way to keep a finger on the pulse of the dream! What a life!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Life in the fast lane
Spring break is almost over, calving is underway, Tin Pan South in Nashville will be just about finished (so I can quit whining about that) and time moves on. Most of our snow birder friends are back home or on their way, so our little town is coming to life again. All is well, and busy beats bored.
I think that's all I'll post for now. We have a busy day ahead (I've decided that maybe leaving my posts till the end of the day isn't the wisest, as I can never keep my eyes open!). We're off to the big city to look at new bathroom fixtures. We didnt' get to Florida this winter and we didn't get to Nashville, so darnit we're going to get an upgraded bathroom! Some of it is indulgence, a lot of it is necessity. When this house was constructed in 1950, I don't think indoor bathrooms were necessarily thought to be a priority. When it did go in, it was quite compact. Compact is okay, but now that we have 2 wheelchairs in the family, it just doesn't work anymore, so it's time to make some changes. I'm excited because a wider room means a longer tub!! Whoohoooo! Life just keeps getting better I swear.
Promise I'll be back soon...then I'll fill you all in on the Femme Fix!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
After the storm
Like I said last post, music is suffering right now, but life is moving forward. I just spent 2 hours participating in an online course I'm taking, with people from the corners of the world. How crazy is that! It's really great to know that the goals that I'm chasing to advance life for the people I know that have disabilities are being chased by people all over the world. Maybe all of us together will hold the key to seeing change in our life and time.
Been a wild week. Work has taken the front seat again, but we also had fortune shine upon us also. I was struggling to get home in a nasty blizzard last week, when my husband called me to tell me he'd just received a call from a hockey club that he'd purchased a draw ticket through. Can you beleive that that ticket won him a brand new 2006 GMC Sierra 4X4 extended cab!!! wow, we the WayWaysecappo Wolverines are our new favorite hockey team...and we don't even watch hockey, but go WayWay GO!! I'm so happy for him. No one deserves it more than my man...he always puts the rest of the world first. It's his turn to enjoy something. Even last fall we started looking at upgrading the old truck that we have, and he decided it was more important with the amount of travel that I do in my job, that I have a 4 wheel drive vehicle, so he put me first, and decided to wait. It's almost like his patience was being rewarded. Nice to see.
I also had the opportunity last night to meet someone I've been communicating with via email for over 4 months with but never even actually spoke to. It was really great to finally get to meet the gentleman who worked so hard at perfecting my website and his wife. It's funny how close a person comes to the vision you have in your mind sometimes! Right down the the color of their hair.... It was great to finally put a face to the name and the signature. I know I've bragged about Heartland Graphics before, but honestly, it's been a great first experience for me to work with someone who understands all of this stuff so much more than I do. Thanks Chris, and great to meet you Susan.
Gotta run, once again, my time has slipped away. I'm just so glad that I found a break in my day to slip away to where I long to be!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Time in a bottle...
I realized that I haven't had the opportunity to post for almost 2 full weeks. I shouldn't say that there hasn't been any opportunity...several nights I've sat down to try and clarify on record my thoughts...but my mind is just too tired. It's tired tonight as well, but I thought I'd better get back on the horse before I forget how to ride!
I'm hoping that things will ease off in the near future. I recently received a promotion at work that gives me a new half-time position...which is great, except that I'm still doing my full time position while everything gets sorted out. When Friday rolls around and I'm dead on my feet, I realize it's because I,ve been putting in some horrendous hours while I try to learn the new and maintain the old. I think it's getting easier, but there are still several busy weeks ahead. It's all okay though, I'm happy to be in a position of learning again. I always enjoy learning.
Music has taken a real back burner this past month while I sort out the business end of my life. I miss it, but I can't think about causes too much pull on my heart. The only music I've been able to squeeze in was when I sang at an elderly aunt's funeral last week. It was odd, sitting at the front of the chapel, waiting for my turn so I could sing "Amazing Grace" and "In the Garden" in her honor. It occured to me that Auntie Kae Frizzley was the first person ever to have asked me to sing at a funeral. It was for her father, back in 1973. I was 12 years old, and I think those were the same songs I'd done then. As I sang my songs, I looked around at the faces of the friends, family and neighbors who had gathered to celebrate her life and mourn her passing, and I realized how many of those faces I've sang my songs for during their time of loss. It used to be if I was finding it difficult to sing at such an emotional event, I could pick out a face among the crowd for whom I'd never been asked sing in honor of a loved one for. I could focus on that face that didn't hold that connection, and I could get through the tough part and carry on. I realized last Friday, that there are getting to be fewer and fewer faces left to focus on...I guess I've been doing this for too long. Still, even when the going gets tough, I try to remind myself that it's the very last thing I'm ever going to be able to do for someone I cared about, and usually that sees me through.
I'd like to write more...sound more philosophical and intellectual...but I'm tired. Again! So, instead I'm going to retreat to the comfort of my bathtub, and prepare for the next three days on the road. With any luck I'll find the time and energy to post from there. If not, know you're not forgotten.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A spontaneous breakaway...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
A lazy winter's day
We don't seem to get too many of those, but today was one. One of those days where you just do the bare necessity of what's expected of you.
It's still cold, colder than you care to deal with if you're wanting to go out and enjoy the sunshine, that insists on beaming down on us. The heat coming through the windows from that sunshine, kinda plays tricks on you. Making you think that it's nicer than it really is, trying to convince you to bundle up, come out an play. Not today.
It's one of those days, where I really would have chosen to stay in bed, that is if I'd had a choice. One of those days where you yearn for the freedom and irresponsibility of your youth, when the only one you answered to was yourself. Those days are long gone, no doubt about that, and now I almost find myself counting down the months until some of the responsibility I've handled for so long might be relieved a little. Of course those thoughts only bring on the guilt attached to thinking them. Surely good mother's don't think like that....or do they?
So instead of nestling under the covers, I've spent the day hunkered down in front of the fire. Mesmerized by crackling and beauty, doing only what is minimally expected and appreciating the opportunity to enjoy a lazy day. No, we just don't get enough of them.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Thinking of the Winnipeg Fire Fighters...
On your average chilly, winter Manitoba morning, the alarms goes off, I roll out of bed, get Shane's breakfast started and head to the kitchen to make coffee. Looking out our large living room window, this is my typical view of the beautiful winter sunrises we are blessed with here in our valley.
Last Monday morning was not a typical one by any stretch. Knowing that the temperatures had plummeted to below -40c, I turned on the radio to see if school would be cancelled. That's when I heard the report of the 2 Winnipeg Fire Department captains who had been killed fighting a fire Sunday night. Like thousands of others across the province, my heart froze, waiting for more details that were slow to unfold. Like thousands of other listening, I waited with a knot in my stomach, hoping it wasn't one of the the three men I know who serve the city on that department. This time our family was fortunate, and for that we are grateful. This time those we know and love made it safely through, at least physically. This time.
I think all too often we forget the valiance of the men and women who choose to pursue a line of work which puts them in harms way through their dedication to ensure our safety. Jobs and careers where at any given time one wrong move, or one unknown component can end it all. Sadly, it takes a tragedy like the one that happened in the city last weekend to remind us all of those people and what they risk for us. Sadly, as with many things, our chance to show appreciation comes too late.
Tomorrow morning, looking out that living room window at the next beautiful sunrise, the world is going to look relatively unchanged. But for the families of those men, it is never going to be the same. For those that worked beside them and knew them as comrades and friends, the view will be forever altered. Our hearts are with all of those folks right now, and though there are not words that can change what happened or take away the pain of that, there is the opportunity to show our appreciations and to say thankyou. For all that you do, for all that you risk, and for all that you are.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Inside the world of dreams
Actually, having the opportunity to meet Jann Arden isn't really a dream at all for me anymore. It was for a long time. I love her writing. I've attended every concert she's played in Manitoba, and have every one of her albums in my scattered collection. She's held firm and moved forward in a world where many tried and gave up, and she just keeps getting deeper, and funnier, and more authentic I think. I've even always been able to relate to her weight issues, we definitely share them. Then darn her, Jann Arden moved ahead and shed all those here I am convincing myself that if an idol can do it when she's only two years younger than I, then darnit there is hope...and on I struggle again. And guess what, I may not be down the 50 pounds that Jann is able to claim, but I've seen 18 dissappear...and I figure this is my year to have the rest follow.
Anyhow, back to my story. I did have the opportunity to meet Jann Arden last October. In promising myself that I'm not going to miss opportunities to learn more, immerse myself more, and enjoy myself more when it comes to my music, I signed up for the Western Canadian Music Awards that were held in Winnipeg. Shortly before the week kicked off, I received the email calling for volunteers, so Cec and I talked it out and thought what the heck....let's do something just a little outside the realm that we're used to. Weirdly, the two of us were signed up to drive people back and forth from the airport. I had the incredible experience of driving Peter Jenner, who managed Pink Floyd and countless other bands. You're driving along thinking "my God, I'm escorting Peter Jenner around" and Peter Jenner is riding along thinking "My God, a farmer from Lavenham has my life in her hands!!". But in reality, he was wonderful, and interesting, and interested in what this farmer had to say. Quite the experience. Both Cec and I had the opportunity to meet really amazing people whose paths I know, had we not volunteered, would never have crossed.
Part of the week was a Songwriters session, where, you guessed it, Jann Arden was one of the panel. And low and behold, I had the fortune to have her listen to and critique one of my songs when it was randomly selected from the basket. Oh, I can not tell you what an idiot I must of looked like with my eyes brimming with tears, realizing the things that can happen when you put yourself out there and follow your dreams. Jann was very kind and supportive and encouraging, and told me to always keep writing. I wish there'd been time to tell her that I couldn't imagine ever not writing again. I wish I'd had time to thank her for all the times her stuff has got me through. I wish I'd had a chance to share with her how, when my first husband was 3/4 of the way through that awful battle he fought with cancer, I'd dropped him off for chemo then ran errands. "Blood Red Cherry" had just come out, so I picked it up, popped it in the cd player in the van, and headed back to the hospital. Heading back to the hospital, preparing myself for what I knew was ahead of us weekly post-chemo, wondering how long either one of us could keep this up the song "Piece of it all" started playing as the first selection on random...with the opening line "Right now, somebody loves you". I had to pull over, I couldn't stop the tears and I couldn't see through them. I so needed to be reminded of that at that moment, and the song did.
But I never got to tell Jann that either. I guess that's what dreams are for, telling all the folks who have passed through your life the things that you didn't manage to say in their presence. However, I did get an autograph, and I did get a picture of the two of us together, both of which I now can proudly display with my "Love is the only soldier" poster. And who knows, someday, maybe the opporunity will come again. Life is full of miracles!
So now I'm off, to dream a little dream...who knows who I'll share tonights conversation with!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Put another log on the fire
I guess it's all relative. The neighbor came and said that he'd heard from his folks who are presently in Corpus Christi, Texas doing the snowbird thing. They were complaining about how cold it is there, only 50F. Apparently the complaining quit when they heard what we're experiencing right now.
Was nice to have a day, stay inside by the fire and spend a little time with my old guitar. I don't get enough time to do that these days. I'd like to say I'm one of those truly dedicated songwriters who just absolutely, positively must write every singe day! I'm not...well maybe I am a little. I don't think there's a day goes by that I don't have lyrics and tunes circling in my head, looking for a soft place to land, but too many days there isn't time to allow them to come full circle. They remain snippets of the song that will be. That's okay. On the days that I truly do need to write, I do. On the rest, I do what I must do.
I started out this year with a list of resolutions of the things I was going to do more positively for my health, my spirit and my well being. On that list I have 'spend a little time everyday working on music'. So far, that's one of the resolutions that I'm slipping on I suppose, but on the other hand, doing this journal and spending a little time each evening working towards making more visible to the world, is in fact working on my music. So I guess I'm not doing so bad afterall.
So now as the evening is winding down, I see that the thermometer is once more dipping below -35c. I guess I'd best leave this for tomorrow, bring in the night's supply, and put another log's going to be a frosty one I'm certain.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
"Prairie Wind"...
Today has been one of those funny days when you feel really caught between who you were and who you are. I had to spend some time yesterday investigating accommodation options for my folks in the event that things can't continue as they are for them. It made for a very hard day if the truth be known, but in that, I was lucky to be walked through it by the sister of an old friend from school. When the business end of our conversation ended, discussion turned back the clock, to those good old days of school. Some of the good old days, just weren't so good as I recall...particularly in the early years. It's funny how we let the opinions of other children who are as lost trying to find themselves as we ourselves are, define who we believe we are isn't it. Looking back from where we stand today, the picture is so much bigger than we saw it to be back then. Most of the bad stuff has just fallen away, and for the most part it's a lot of good memories that are left behind. Still, in thinking back to that, and seeing where some of the kids that matter most to me are struggling today, you realize that a lot of things haven't changed, and you just wish you could share with them that the world is so much bigger than those four walls where they spend so much of their lives. If only we could be born with the wisdom and knowledge that only time can grant would be so much easier.
The flip side of that coin that I've been tossing in my head all day is that some of those days were darn good. If you spend time listening to the song clips on you'll see a picture representative of each song comes up as the clip plays. I love the picture attacted to "In the Company of Friends", because that particular picture was of me with my friends at my 40th birthday party. That was a very bad year for me. My first husband was into his second year of chemo fighting a battle he could not win, and he and I were both getting so, so worn down by it all. My friends didn't want the occation of a special birthday like that to pass uncelebrated, so they arranged a small, intimate gathering so that I would not feel overwhelmed anymore than I was, but that I would feel acknowledged. They gave me the most beautiful 'circle of friends' candle holder, and it sits proudly in the centre of my livingroom everyday. I look at that picture today, and realize that every one of those women have been in my life now for at least 32 years, some even longer. And I once again realize that I truly am one of the most fortunate people I know to have friendships that have endured for so long and have remained so strong. I also realize that with treasures like that in my life, the bad stuff really doesn't matter at all. It's just part of the history.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
"When she dreams she dreams...
Monday, January 29, 2007
Comes a time...
For the next two hours I was swallowed up by his vidoetaped debut of his "Prairie Wind" album at the Rymann Auditorium in Nashville. I bought that album last spring...and I guess I must have worn it out, because it's plum disappeared. I so enjoy his music. As I watched, I realized how strange it was that he's on one the world's most well known singers on one of the most famous stages in the world, singing songs about the little town half an hour away. I wonder if Cypress River ever expected to develop such notority. You listen to his history, to the story behind the songs, to his memories of listening to Ian Tyson's "Blowin in the wind" on a jukebox at Falcon Lake, and you realize that incredible things happen to those who follow their dreams.
I've never met Neil Young, but I've always connected with him. We both come from smalltown Manitoba, we both write our own story in our songs, we both have kids with special challenges. For a long time my old piano teacher Annie Donald had us excited that we were kinda, almost related to Neil Young through his mother, by marriage, once removed....or something. Doesn't matter....however she explained it, made me want to work at the piano a little harder.
Funny how a song can take you back in time too. After all the new songs were introduced, he sang some of his older stuff. I remember surviving my first year of university only because I had an old record player there, and I played "Harvest moon" over, and over, and I listened to him sing 'Comes a time' yesterday, I was instantly transported back to that dorm room, to the naive farm-fresh dreamer that I was, to all the big dreams I'd held. Seems that that girl lived a long, long time ago.
As the nostalgia passed, and the little lump in my throat cleared, I realized that maybe things haven't changed all that much. I still sit in my room listening to Neil (and Jann, and Sarah, and all the other's who have pulled me through), I'm still farm-fresh in a weathered sort of way although not as naive, and I still have big dreams. I also realized how many of my big dreams have come true since that time...the perfect love that was wished for has been found, the opportunity to follow my passion for music has be granted, a happy home (check), a beautiful family (check), a solid circle of friends (check), the dream to feel safe and confident in who I am (check)....I guess it's all turned out the way it was meant to. Now, when I hear "comes a time" I realize that my time has come...I really am one of the lucky ones.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The end of another busy day...
I find driving alone is just about the most wonderful time to reflect and think, and the wheels are just a-turning when I head out I'll tell you! It's amazing how many of your life challenges you can sort out as you watch the dotted lines roll by. I've always enjoyed that aspect of my life.
I've also written a pile of tunes when I'm behind the wheel for long periods of time. Most of the time, I turn the radio off and just let the music in my head play itself out....probably makes you all nervous knowing you share the highway with me doesn't it!?!?! It's true though. There are so few opportunities for that kind of solitude in our day to day living. I do enjoy the quiet. And when I hit that stretch between Dauphin and Swan River where's no cell reception, and next to no radio, solitude is what I get. One thing I've always been really happy to say is that I'm never lonely alone!
Today I wore one of my other hats (I have about 15 that I regularly switch off depending on what role I'm playing). But today was the cattle lady hat. It was one of those busy days, when we gathered the forces and ran all the girls through for the annual pregtest. I'll tell you a day like this keeps you from getting above your raising that's for sure. Oh, the reality of life!
Anyhow, another week is winding up. has had a stellar start, thanks to all of the wonderful people who have taken the time to visit and explore it. My thanks to all of you.
It's also been a busy week on the family front. Happy birthday to two of my beautiful daughters, Lisa and Bianca. You bless my life by being part of it! Thankyou both for being all you are (Kathy, you'll get your turn in May but you know you're included!!)
I'm signing off with tired feet and a happy heart. Life is so diverse and wonderful!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The sandwich generation
Last May, Dad suffered a very debilitating stroke, and the huge shift in our life occured that day. It took several months of rehabilitation and hard work for him to finally be released in September. We're glad he's home, and I know that he certainly is.
Now however, instead of calling on them just to come and sit with Shane for a short while, we're being called upon to go and sit with them. The role reversal takes a lot of getting used to. As does the sense of loss for the way things were.
I know that each day we'll do what needs to be done to make sure everyones needs are met as best we can. It will always be done with love and respect. It will be done with the knowledge that that's what they would have done for us. It will be done. But at the end of some days, I need to feel safe saying, I too am done. At least for this day.
Tomorrow, we'll start again, and it will be a fresh start just as every morning brings. It will be a better day. There's already a half written song in my head that confirms that.
So until tomorrow,
Monday, January 22, 2007
Nashville, Nashville, Nashville....I hear you calling my name!
Last year's trip was about as spontaneous as Cecil and I get to be (after we organize for the cows, and the boy, and the....) Okay, spontaneous isn't exactly in our vocabulary...but it was reasonably spur of the moment. I was at the tail end of recovering from my surgery, so I wasn't too immersed in work, and the cows hadn't started calving...we knew Bianca and Lisa could handle what needed to be done at home, so we made the decision to go for it!
I'd bought my brand new 1992 Corsica the November before (okay, 15 years old isn't exactly brand new, but with only 27,000kms, it felt pretty close) so we decided to hop in her and head south. Being convinced that by the time we got out of the car again it would be warmer, I put on my comfy blue moomoo and sandles. I wonder if the vehicle, the attire, and our conviction we were getting to Nashville in both had anything to do with the amount of time it took us to get through customs???? Whatever it was, they sure did tear us apart!
By 8pm the following night, we'd arrived. I can hardly describe the feeling of arriving in that city for the first time, when so much of your life has centred around music. It absolutely put a lump in my throat just thinking of those who had walked these streets before me.
Over the course of the next 5 days we saw it all...the Opry, the Rymann, the Country Music Hall of Fame, the streets and shops and musicians that are everywhere. But none of what we saw, could compare to the people we met. The syposium allowed me to connect with songwriters from all over the states, and even a few more Canadians! It was a really unique experience for me, because as you may or may not have guessed, there are not a lot of songwriters in Lavenham, Manitoba. Coming from a town where I'm the only one I know of to a city where I'm surrounded by 25,000 other songwiters all dreaming of thier big break, well I can tell you it was a bit of a shock to the old system! But, man, what a wonderful group of people to connect with!
Where else in the world though, in the course of five days, could you find yourself having the opporunity to meet the legendary Mac Davis. Or spend time chatting with Steve Fox after his gig? OR...put the knowledge you gathered from being a loyal Oprah fan to use, and actually find Davis's General Store and be able to eat a bologna sandwich on the same bench where Tim McGraw and Faith Hill go for their's? And I don't even like balogna for crying out loud...but darn it tasted good that day!
Heading for home, we couldn't be that close to Graceland without actually seeing it, so we made the stop. It's ablsolutely surreal standing at the foot of Elvis's grave, and being in the centre of all he held so dear. Wow.
And we can honestly say it was a whirlwind trip home....who'd have thought we'd be outrunning tornadoes through 3 states in March! But we made it.
Yup.... it's just calling my name. I have about nine more weeks to convince myself that that's not where I need to be. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
"In the Company of Friends"
This morning when I got going, I had an email box full of compliments and good wishes from family, friends and aquaintances! Every one had not only taken the time to check things out, but had taken the time to drop me a line about it. Wow, I just hope at the end of the day I'm as good a friend to others as they are to me. Thankyou all!
There are people that look at my life, and think that I'm about the unluckiest person they know. Granted, my life has had more than it's share of pitfalls and heartaches, but those that don't see the whole picture can't know that for every one of those heartaches, I've had at least a million blessings; they can't know that each and every time events brought me to my knees, an army of family and friends rallied around me to lift me back up; they can't know that every fork in the road that I chose that may have appeared to be the wrong one eventually led me right to where I am today. And that's exactly where I'm supposed to be. I haven't got one single doubt about it.
I dedicate "In the Company of Friends" to all the amazing people and relationships in my life that give it such value and meaning. I know without that circle, I certainly wouldn't be where I am today!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Reigniting your passion
It started in April of 2005 when it came to light that over the past many years while I'd focused all of my attention and creativity on meeting the needs of my son, and doing what needed to be done for both my job and the farm, the music that had once defined me had disappeared. A conversation with co-workers made me realize that the majority of people that know me now, didn't have any idea that for the first 30 years of my life, music had been my passion and my focus. How did it happen that something that had been so much a part of me for so long was tucked so far down that no-one even knew that passion existed.
'In the Company of Friends' was the result of that conversation, and the match that rekindled the flame. On a challenge to write a song that would encompass the importance of friendship, I was reminded about how much I enjoyed allowing that creative side of me to flow freely. It started things going.
At the end of June that year, Kelly Tomchuk, who'd been a friend of mine since childhood passed away as a result of a brain tumor. The family asked me to sing that song at the memorial...and that set off another chain of events. The compliments from the song, and the emotional turmoil that came with losing someone my age that I'd known so long was the catalyst that pushed me into what I lovingly call my mid-life crisis. On the way home from the memorial I said to my husband "gee, I really wish I'd done an album of my songs when I could have", and his response was 'why not do it now'.
From that moment on, it was like every single necessary thing just fell into place. My brother, Michael james Dickson, was able to line up a freind with a studio and set up the musicians. Chris Rolin, of Rolin Sound Studio, had the time necessary to engineer the project. The funding that was needed to accomplish this dream made itself known and available. Every single star aligned! My time had truly come!
At the time we did the cd, we stuffed 15 songs onto "Reflections", because I was convinced that this was going to be a one time thing. But I know now, that's not going to be the case. I refuse to die with my music inside me, and I've come to realize that there is so much more in there.
The world is such an amazing place, when we have the chance to reach out and touch folks around the earth with our song. I know that my commitment to my son is going to limit how far I can travel or push this dream for the next few years, but that's a minor limitation compared the the one I put on myself for so long.
Follow your passion, embrace your bliss, be who you were destined to be doing what you were designed to do. I can promise you, from my own experience, it will change your world. The missing pieces of the puzzle we call our life will fall into place and all will seem right again. Don't let your music die inside of you, whatever your music might be.
Friday, January 19, 2007
You never know where your 'kids' are gonna come from
Then along came Cec. But Cec has never travelled alone...oh no! And amidst the luggage that he toted along, were my future children. Granted, for the most part they were grown by the time he and I had connected, but not completely. So in a world where there once existed just Shane and I, we've had to make room in our hearts for seven more children....and along with those seven children, there comes the next generation of ten mind boggles at how smoothly it all has happened. So now we've become a spin off for "Eight is enough". We aren't joking when we say that!
But like I said at the never know where your kids are gonna come from. I spent a wonderful day today with one of my 'kids'. Bianca came to me as part of the package 5 years ago, but little did I know at that time, that in that beautifully wrapped little 14 year old parcel that was part of the "baggage" (society's terminology, not mine) I'd find the daughter that my heart has longed for my entire adult life. Please, don't misunderstand....I love the other daughters and sons that this union has brought into my life more than I can say, but timing and logistics have allowed Bianca and I have the opportunity to connect hearts just a little bit differently.
Today was one more affirmation that on our days together we just are. We do our thing (which usually includes the word spa) and we are.....and it's really wonderful.
I know there are folks that are waiting so impatiently for that perfect little bundle of joy to come into their lives and make it complete....waiting for the ideal 'child' to come along. I can only imagine the pain they must go through. I hope those people waiting for children aren't limiting themselves by what society views as the norm, because that ideal child might already be out there, just not in the package envisioned. My'child' didnt' come into my life until she was 3/4 grown....when she did arrive, we certainly didn't have our eye, skin, and hair color match....but honestly, if I had sat down with God himself and drawn a blueprint of my perfect daughter, I can't see that one thing would be different from the one I've been gifted to have inherited through fate.
Pud, thanks for a wonderful day!
I know my journal is supposed to focus on all that is wonderful about (although I'm gonna have to harrass that wonderful webmaster of mine to figure out how I have to do the darn link properly).....but, the special people in my life are what is all about....and today I wanted to share my thoughts on this particular special person with you all.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Now, 15 year later, I'm introducing my new baby to the world! After weeks in the making, I can finally say that my new website is finally ready to come out and meet the world! What an amazing time we live in! Here I am, in my little corner of the world, chasing goals and watching life long dreams coming true, and being able to share these dreams with folks who could be anywhere on the big, beautiful earth of ours! Wow...wonder what Grandpa would have thought about all of this? celebrates the CD "Reflections" that I was able to do last year. Doing that cd allowed me to fulfill a dream I'd held onto for 30 years...I can not tell you how cool that was! At the time we were working on the cd I thought to my self "this is great, but it's a one time thing...I'm just so happy I got it done!" I was wrong! It's great alright, but it's more than great, because in doing that, I found a peice of myself that had been missing for years! The puzzle is all fitting back together again, and it's incredible to have found that part of myself that was missing for so long. It really has me wondering what other dreams I have tucked deep down in there that I'd better bring back to the surface and take a second look at!
I've been learning too, boy have I been learning! I owe a world of thanks to an amazingly patient webmaster, who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, but who has patiently walked me through this process. If anyone out there has a hankering to use the world wide web to expand their own hopes and dreams, I'd highly recommend you connect with and bounce your ideas off Chris!
I think for now, I'll keep it brief. I have a ton of things I'm dying to share with you, but, after all, it's a big day with all of these birthday parties going on! It's going to be a very busy time coming up, but I'll fill you in later. For now, I've got a very special young man waiting to spend some time with his Mom. What could be more important than that! Later!