Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jann Arden's Journal....

Today was one of those unique days where most of the 'have to do' list had been tended to, and the 'wanna do' list had a chance to get looked at. Gosh, there are just not enough of those days I'm afraid!!! Anyhow, I had the chance today to spend a little time catching up on what Jann Arden has been doing lately though her journal on her website, and I have to tell you, it turned into one of those days where you end up thanking God for unanswered prayers...I love her, more like I idolize her..but I don't think I could ever have kept up with her life. By the time I'd finished reading the last several posts that Jann had made, I had a knot in my stomach the size of a fist, and so I can only imagine what the knot in hers must feel like.  She is so strong to deal with all she does.

The road I've travelled has contained a lot of twists and turns, and all those detours have lead me to where I am today. So no, I'm not touring the country, opening for any big name acts. And no, I'm not wooing audiences throughout North America, sleeping in a different hotel, in a different town everynight...but you know...that's just fine, because my heart tells me I am where I'm meant to different as this life is from the dreams of a young girl with a song in her heart!

At the end of my kinda boring, quiet day today, I spent some time filling up my bird feeders and watering the flowers on the deck. While doing that I sang "Won't say goodbye" at the top of my lungs to my dogs and the wild cats that would listen. I realized that that song, written to sing at the funeral of a family friend who passed away a couple of weeks ago (Olive Tunski), will not touch the hearts of millions of faceless, adoring fans around the world. But it deeply touched the hearts of a few dear friends who needed to hear their pain expressed in words that meant something to them, and with that it did exactly what it was meant to do.

After I got things settled for Shane, I took my daily walk, albeit later than usual. I headed up to the escarpment, and stood, drinking in the beauty of that wonderful place for moment. As it was my stage, I had 3/4s of a harvest moon shining in a hazy cloud to my left, and the most amazing sunset (the mixture of tangerine, violet, fusia and pinks cannot be adequately described I'm afraid) illuminated the sky to my right. The stage that I get to perform on cannot be topped, I don't care who's doing the lighting! It's days like this that remind me not to even venture into the land of what might have been, or what I'm not experiencing, but rather to immerse myself in the beauty of the life that is, and I realize that I do have it all, right here, right now....I truly am one of the lucky ones, and it's nice to have a chance to slow down enough to know that!
Take care you all!

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