Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catching my breath

Feels like we're finally being given a chance to catch our breath a little around here. Still pretty crazy on the farm, trying to get the last of the cattle home from pasture etc, but we've had the first of our snow, and if feels like we're starting to settle into the winter mode.
Things seem to have been coming together a little smoother the last week or so. Work seems manageable, there hasn't been too much craziness on the home front, and there seems to be a little time each day just to sit back and breathe. Feels like that's been missing for much of the last year.
I attended the Manitoba Farm Women's conference in Brandon last week. It was a really great collection of sessions and seminars on self care and stress management. Came at just the right time. When I actually charted all the stuff we've had to deal with over the past 12 months on a stress calculator, I realized just how hard the past 12 months have been. Now the goal is to try and keep that knowledge front and centre, and to bear it in mind each time I consider taking on something I don't truly have the time of passeion for, and to try to ensure I keep thing manageable for myself. No one else is going to do that for me!
Started getting the first mixes of the songs for the new album this week. I'm really happy with what's coming in. I just hope it'll be together in time for Christmas...but that's getting iffy now. It was never my worry to have it for Christmas, but it seems when it's this close to finished, it would be nice. We'll see what happens.
Not too much else happening of interest right now....that's nice for a change. We're hosting Ken Hamm at our Home Routes house concert next Tuesday, November 25th. After that there will be a break from the concerts for the holiday season, unti the restart in February.
Speaking of Christmas, I'd like to offer a free download of my Christmas song "Upon that Christmas star" once again. Go to
to get your free download. Sadly, blogger doesn't seem to be working for adding pictures or direct links properly for me right now, so you may have to access it manually. Althouth this is a free download for the Christmas song, it was written to support Winnipeg Harvest, and food banks across Canada. Because of that, I've committed all Socan royalties for this song to be donated to our foodbanks, so whenever you have a chance to support or request radio play that will work provide royalties, you can be sure that you are supporting foodbanks. It's critical that we remember that there are thousands of people across our country that don't feel the gift of joy that most of us are fortunate enough to experience when the holidays roll around. Let's all do what we can to change that!
Until next time.
Take care,

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