Sunday, February 4, 2007

Put another log on the fire

...or "Baby it's cold outsite" . I don't know off the top of my head who wrote either of those songs, but I sure know what they were talking about. This morning when we got up the thermometer out on the deck was registering -42c. So for the most part of the day, all we did was continue to 'put another log on' and try not to look outside.

I guess it's all relative. The neighbor came and said that he'd heard from his folks who are presently in Corpus Christi, Texas doing the snowbird thing. They were complaining about how cold it is there, only 50F. Apparently the complaining quit when they heard what we're experiencing right now.

Was nice to have a day, stay inside by the fire and spend a little time with my old guitar. I don't get enough time to do that these days. I'd like to say I'm one of those truly dedicated songwriters who just absolutely, positively must write every singe day! I'm not...well maybe I am a little. I don't think there's a day goes by that I don't have lyrics and tunes circling in my head, looking for a soft place to land, but too many days there isn't time to allow them to come full circle. They remain snippets of the song that will be. That's okay. On the days that I truly do need to write, I do. On the rest, I do what I must do.

I started out this year with a list of resolutions of the things I was going to do more positively for my health, my spirit and my well being. On that list I have 'spend a little time everyday working on music'. So far, that's one of the resolutions that I'm slipping on I suppose, but on the other hand, doing this journal and spending a little time each evening working towards making more visible to the world, is in fact working on my music. So I guess I'm not doing so bad afterall.

So now as the evening is winding down, I see that the thermometer is once more dipping below -35c. I guess I'd best leave this for tomorrow, bring in the night's supply, and put another log's going to be a frosty one I'm certain.

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